Chapter 72: Spring Finals (2)

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As a rare piece of equipment in the WPL arena, the Wrath of Heavenly Punishment naturally attracted a lot of attention when Jiang Min began to load.

In addition to the passionate commentators, the barrage is also very lively compared to the usual games.

It was originally the last tiebreaker of the BO5 finals of the spring tournament, and when it came to the late stage when any small mistake by both sides could lose the whole game, the audience's emotions were very tense and high.

Overall, JW is at a disadvantage, and the hearts of fans who support JW are raised to the top of their throats.

[Sugar God, this is the rhythm of the wrath of heavenly punishment? No way? No, no, no, no]

[The wrath of heavenly punishment is too much to drag the team, JW is going to be cool]

[JW's current situation, there is not much output in the No. 1 position, and No. 2 will wait to be slaughtered if he doesn't fight again]

[In my opinion, AFK is going to win, no suspense]

【AFK Refueling】

【Sugar God Awesome!! 】

Dense barrages swept through the live broadcast rooms of the live broadcast of the game on major platforms.

Both the commentator and the audience noticed Jiang Min's movements, and it was certainly impossible for AFK, as JW's opponent, to ignore it.

Amin is doing the Wrath of Heavenly Punishment, and that adds pure attack damage, plus his original armor-piercing equipment, if he is allowed to do it, our front row will not stand. Shu Lou communicated with the team members in the team's voice, and he had to be stopped.

Got it! AFK's team members are only the captain of the team.

On the JW side, under the leadership of Yu Hao, the team members tried their best to pull out the space for Jiang Min to brush up the economy.

Sugar Candy, you fly down, I see them showing up here, we're going to pull the line, you hurry up and brush it. Faced with the disadvantaged situation, Yu Hao did not panic at all.

As the number 4 and as the captain, he has to be in control and give the right instructions to the players when it matters most.

Jiang Min didn't say a word, directly teleported and flew down to eat the soldier line, and then quickly drilled into the wild area.

Although he only joined JW this season, he has reached a considerable level of trust with his teammates through the run-in of the spring season, especially Yu Hao.

It's been 50 minutes since the game, and it's going straight for an hour, and in such a late stage, or in a disadvantageous situation, JW doesn't have many turnaround points.

Get the wrath of heavenly punishment and fight a beautiful team battle, maybe there will be a chance.

At this time, when the BO5 is played and the last game is still so difficult, the players' energy and physical strength are about to reach the limit, and it is very likely that there will be some undue mistakes.

Therefore, the sooner you get the wrath of Heavenly Punishment, the greater the chance of a comeback, and if you drag it any longer, you will only be AFK to roll the advantage bigger and bigger. The Templars weave through the lower half of the jungle, while the rest of the JW team is doing their best to fight the AFKs who are coming to capture them.

Shu Lou soon saw that the Templars were outcropping in the lower lane, so AFK except for the RING that stayed to be the eye position, and the four TPs were spectacularly lit up, ready to pass down the road to catch the Templars.

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