Chapter 57: Crazy targeted

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I'm so! JW entered the lounge, Hao Qian was angry, sitting onthe sofa sulking, that You Guanyu, how could he be so bad in private!

Alright, rat, don't let the mentality be affected, the gamewill start in a moment. Team leader Fan Dadi pays attention to the situation ofthe team members at any time.

Hao Qian also vented and took a big bite of the chocolate inhis hand: I just can't get used to seeing him look like no one in his eyes!

He looked forward at Jiang Min, who was preparing in front ofthe makeup mirror.

Pros also need to do some styling and make-up preparationbefore they go on the field. After all, they're going to show their faces inthe game, to show their style to a national and even global audience.

Sugar God, how did you put up with this guy when you were inCC? Hao Qianyi asked while chewing chocolate.

Jiang Min looked at his hair being clamped into a slightlycurved shape by the electric curl rod, and said: I don't communicate with himmuch in private, and he is quite normal when he plays.

It's just that in the game, you must listen to You Guanyu.

As a No. 1 position, You Guanyu does not focus only on hisown development and fighting like other No. 1 positions, but looks at the wholefield and serves as a conductor.

At this point, Jiang Min also had to admire his ability tomultitask.

Jiang Min used to command, but after You Guanyu came, he wasmore of an obedient machine.

You Guanyu is willing to let him go if he is willing to carrythe command, and Jiang Min does not want to cause conflicts within the teambecause of the issue of command.

Perhaps it is precisely because of Jiang Min's desirelessnessand lack of desire that You Guanyu has become more and more arrogant in CC.

Although Jiang Min didn't elaborate, Yu Hao could also feelhis helplessness.

Fortunately, he persuaded Ji Xiuyan to buy Jiang Min,otherwise I don't know how angry Jiang Min would be in CC.

Not to mention anything else, just by transferring thefirst-line mid-laner to the second team, this kind of divine operation, fewpeople can accept it.

Rest assured, Sugar Candy, today we hammer them. Yu Haopatted Jiang Min on the shoulder and said.


The first game BP begins.

The fans of the two teams shouted heart-rending in theaudience, and the atmosphere was very warm.

In the battle room, the coaches and players of both sidesstarted the first round of competition.

They chose a centaur and forced a group, do we want to makeup for it here? Hao Qian also observed.

Well, I think I can have a Rock Soul Elder, can I have amouse? Coach Bai Yin asked.

No problem! I'll take this. The counter position is stillleft to the sugar god, CC is the old club of the sugar god, and it is estimatedthat he is very familiar with his style of play. Bai Yin is colorful.

Well, you can give up on me when you need to, just let meresist the pressure. Jiang Min said.

Yu Hao didn't speak, just clenched the mouse with his hand.

Let's take the Star Hunter in the team, there is a group haloskill, and it is slightly more comfortable to play a group.

Well. Yu Hao nodded.

The No. 5 JW chose the Radiant Sorcerer, which is a puresupport hero with the ability to replenish blue and blood, and choosing itmeans giving up a certain amount of online suppression, but also in exchangefor the continuous endurance of the No. 1 big brother C.

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