Chapter 65: Discord within the team

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Yu Hao looked at Jiang Min, the other party still lookedcalm, and he didn't see any emotion.

Sugar Candy, you.... See? Yu Hao asked tentatively.

Well. Jiang Min nodded slightly, the girl is very good, youshould be fine with her...?

... Yu Hao didn't know what to say for a while, and after along time, he sighed deeply, Tangtang, I am with someone else, don't you feelanything?

Jiang Min was stunned for a moment.

Didn't feel that it was of course fake, he couldn't ignorethe panicked feeling in his heart when he saw Yu Hao and Yun Ning togetherduring the day.

But he didn't understand what kind of emotion it was.

This kind of vague feelings, in his relationship with Yu Hao,he has never thought clearly.

Belch... Jiang Min thought for a while, feeling... There arestill some of them.

Yu Hao's originally lost heart rekindled hope, and hehurriedly asked: What does it feel like?

Jiang Min is serious: Just... I think if you have agirlfriend in the future, I probably won't Xi get used to it. After all, I'mwith you every day...

After speaking, he looked at Yu Hao, and saw that the guy wholooked like a large dog quickly withered from the interest he had just raised.

Yu Hao's whole person is not good.

It's a long way to chase his wife, and there's a long way togo.

After a long time, Tangtang still didn't notice his feelings.

However, this slowly makes Sugar Sugar Xi to have him by hisside, subtly infecting and influencing the other party, and it should besuccessful one day.

However, the first thing to be solved now is that Tangtangmisunderstood himself and Yunning.

I... Got a girlfriend? Yu Hao's face was loveless.

Jiang Min is still out of the situation: Huh? Isn't it? Didn'tyou hook up with Yun Ning during the day? Or people took the initiative to cometo you, and I heard that she asked you to come to WeChat.

Yu Hao shook his head slightly: No, I didn't add her.

Jiang Min was stunned: Huh? Why?

In Jiang Min's impression, Yun Ning is a very good hostess ofWPL, with outstanding business ability and appearance and figure.

As far as he knows, there are many professional players whoregard Yun Ning as a goddess.

Of course, he doesn't belong to one of them.

The sugar god just wants to play well and win thechampionship, and has no interest in girls.

Yu Haohu asked suspiciously: Why do you care so much abouther, Tangtang?

Jiang Min: I care about you, you are our captain, shouldn't Icare about you?

Yu Hao: You won't... Interesting to Yun Ning, right?

Seeing that Jiang Min cared so much about Yunning's affairs,an ominous premonition rose in Yu Hao's heart.

Yun Ning does have a lot of attraction to men.

But he was only attracted by Jiang Min, he had no intention,he would never have a girlfriend or anything in his life, but his boyfriend hadthe one he was chasing.

It's just that this future boyfriend hasn't opened his mindyet.

Jiang Min raised his right hand and waved: How is itpossible, I have no idea about her.

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