Chapter 46: Are you sure you use this to get on the go?

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Jiang Min and Shu Lou used to belong to the same CC andfought together for nearly two years, and they are still familiar with eachother's playing styles.

The rest of AFK, Ring Yu Hao, used to be in a double row withJiang Min before joining Yutang, and he also has a certain foundation incooperation.

As for the No. 1 and No. 3 positions, although they have notcooperated with Jiang Min, Shu Lou is the commander of the team, and theyshould not have much problem obeying the command of the Lou team.

Min, it's been a long time, the last time we played togetherwas two years ago. Shu Lou said.


Shu Lou chose to transfer to AFK when he was at the peak ofCC, and gradually grew up with AFK, which was behind in the WPL league at thattime, and became the captain of the No. 1 team in the WPL league today.

This team can be said to have put a lot of effort into ShuLou.

Therefore, he is usually mourned and mourned, and he is stillvery loved by the players.

Let's do it today, we'll leave the middle to you! It is rarefor Shulou to have such a high-spirited moment.


After a while, the players' accounts were pulled into aseparate battle room.

After rolling the dice, AFK is on the blue side and PH is onthe red side.

The AFK players began to get a little nervous as they watchedthe match list enter the room with the names of the PH team prefix one by one.

As this year's runner-up team, every name of PH is well-knownin the WOC Athletic League.

In particular, the mid-laner DNA can be said to be the mostpopular mid-laner player in the world.

Captain, I'm nervous. Ring was really nervous, and his handswere a little tight.

It's okay, do your best. Shu Lou comforted.

Once it was confirmed that the players from both teams hadjoined the battle room, the training match officially began.

The first is the BP link.

Jiang Min played with Flow's number, and the person on theother side of PH didn't know at this time that he was the one who operated theAFK.Flow number.

Therefore, on BP, most of the heroes targeted by Flow arealso good at.

Flow and Jiang Min's style is different, and he is amid-laner who is naturally good at supporting.

As a result, this version of the mid-lane support, strongmid-laners such as ghost water ghosts, paladins, etc., have been BAN.

Flow's hero pool can be said to be respected all over again.

AFK's team, except for Shu Lou and Flow, who are more famous,the other three players are all young players, and they have not attracted theattention of the opposite coach.

And Shu Lou's hero pool as the No. 5 position is quite deep,and BAN can't be BAN over.

Therefore, the PH selection is aimed at mid-laner Flow.

However, the player who logged in to AFK.Flow at this momentis not Flow himself.

Loaning players is not a violation, and training matches arenot official competitions, so the AFK team did not explain the matter to theother party.

BP is in progress, and the selection of position 345 has beenlocked.

The No. 1 position on the AFK side finally chose the DarkHunter, the long-handed archer hunter.

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