Chapter 14: Guan Bo Niang ascended to heaven on the spot

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The captain is back. Hao Qian is also very formulaic andunwavering to welcome Hao's appearance.

He was so distracted that he looked away from the computerscreen and looked at the captain as he walked into the training room as a signof respect.

Hao Qianyi usually shows his teeth and claws, a typicallittle devil, non-violent and refuses to obey, so Bai Yin, the most gentlecoach in the company, often punches and kicks him.

But this kid was suppressed by Yu Hao, and every time he sawTeam Yu, he was well-behaved. JPG.

Originally, he was just greeting the captain as a matter ofroutine, and then he saw a person in a black sweatshirt following behind YuHao.

It was the end of the winter, the weather was cloudy andcold, but fortunately there was heating in the base, otherwise my hands wouldbe frozen, and I couldn't even type the keyboard.

Jiang Min was originally wearing a very thick down jacket,but he took it off when it was too hot when he entered the JW base.

JW's base as a whole is bright and simple, with some metallicdecorations, which seems to have a slight sense of technology.

The site has a total of five floors and is located not farfrom the center of S City.

In this place where every inch of land is valuable, abuilding is used as a team base, which shows the trench of JW boss Ji Xiuyan.

As soon as Jiang Min and the others arrived at the base, JiXiuyan went back to the office first, because Hao settled Jiang Min.

Anyway, Boss Ji himself knew that Yu Hao couldn't wait tocomplete this work.

Yu Hao first helped Jiang Min move his luggage to the room onthe fourth floor.

JW's team members are all single rooms, because there are notmany people themselves, and the territory is large enough, so there is noproblem with being so capricious.

And Jiang Min's room, without thinking about it, must be nextdoor to Hao's room.

Three days ago, this room was Hao Qianyi's residence.

Then, Hao Tongshou was suddenly notified three days ago tochange the room, and changed him from the room next to the captain to the roomin the far corner.

In this regard, although Hao Tongshou was confused, he wasstill very happy to be able to stay away from the captain who was strict withhim.

Otherwise, he would have to worry about whether the captainnext door would notice when he secretly watched the female anchor in the middleof the night.

So, Hao Qian also spent two whole days moving his things tothe newly assigned room, and the base aunt spent another whole day cleaning theroom and replacing it with a full set of bedding and soft decorations to ensurethat the next owner of the house can move in with his bag.

And the person who took over this room was naturally JiangMin.

Considering that Jiang Min was still sick and unwell, Yu Haooriginally planned to let him rest.

However, Jiang Min felt that on the first day he arrived atthe JW base, many people in the hall saw him, and it was not appropriate not tosay hello to his new teammates.

Yu Hao then took Jiang Min to meet the JW team members.

On the way down from this floor of the dormitory to thetraining room, of course, I received countless surprised glances.

JW didn't even reveal the purchase of Jiang Min internallybefore, everything came too suddenly, and the people inside JW were also keptin the dark.

At this moment, their jaws dropped when they saw one of WPL'smost prestigious No. 2 midlaners following behind their JW captain andappearing in the JW base.

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