Chapter 18: Jade God Spring Water Watching the Battle

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In this one, Yu Hao and Jiang Min are on the blue side, whilethe OVO team duo is on the red side.

Jiang Min chose Chaos Angel, a mid-laner hero commonly usedin the middle of this season.

The Chaos Angel with black and white wings on his back is aProtoss on the verge of depravity, with two attributes: light and dark, thelight attribute supports teammates, and the dark attribute attacks andharvests.

When the ultimate comes, the angel takes off and slams intothe ground, knocking the opposite hero into the air and stunning, which is atypical group control skill.

Yu Hao uses the No. 4 regular hero raider.

On the opposite side, the No. 1 Ice, uses the shooter BigBrother Storm Hunter, while the Jade God is the No. 4 Giant God of the Frenchsystem.

As soon as Jiang Min's Chaos Angel went online, he switchedthe dark attribute to consume the blood of the opposite mid-laner, and at thesame time, not a single soldier was missed.

And on the opposite side, Zhongdan and him consumed eachother, and he suppressed several soldiers.

The two sides exchanged blood in the middle laner, but theoverall replenishment was Jiang Min suppressing the other party.

The money and experience gained from mending the knife arevery important to the hero, and when it comes to this segment, the oppositemidlaner is naturally aware of it.

So, he hurriedly called his teammates to help, at least sothat he would not be too disadvantaged in the early stage.

Yushen was originally going to try JW's new midlaner, butafter receiving a signal from his teammates, he immediately rushed to themiddle lane.

And Yu Hao and the No. 1 position on the opposite side of theice line, must be pressed in the early stage to prevent him from getting up, sohe can't catch up for the time being.

It's just that after observing the miss on the Jade God line,he gave Jiang Min a signal.

As soon as Jiang Min saw that the opposite side of the singleposition was moving forward, he had a premonition that someone might be comingfrom the opposite side, and he immediately turned his head and was about toretract under the tower.

His team style is a rush type, yes, but he should still becowardly in the lane period, his blood volume is not very healthy, it is toocost-effective to die once, and the most important thing is to protect his owndevelopment.

The Chaos Angel who wanted to stun Jiang Min was twisted byJiang Min's subtle move, and then the Chaos Angel turned back with a set ofdark shrouds and dark curses, and the opposite middle single was consumed withsome blood.

At this time, the giant god sacrifice of the Jade God arrivedand released a divine wall in front of Jiang Min's Chaos Angel, sealing hisway.

When the opposite midlaner saw that his No. 4 position wascoming, he had no fear to use Ping A to point the Chaos Angel, completelyignoring the dark curse DEBUFF on his body.

Curse of Darkness, the debuff lasts for ten seconds, dropsblood per second, and does not cause lethal damage in nature, but when thenumber of stacks per second is stacked over time, if it is detonated by theChaos Angel when it reaches the tenth layer, it is the amount of damage of theexplosion.

The Chaos Angel was blocked off the back road, and withoutpanicking, he turned his head and burrowed into the woods.

WOC forests lose vision, and all heroes have limited theirvision to a small area after entering the woods.

Even if there may be a tree between you and your opponent,you may not be aware of his presence.

The Jade God's giant god sacrifice instinctively followed theChaos Angel into the woods, and the two of them used their respectiveexperience to start a chase in the woods.

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