Chapter 25: The sugar god fell off the horse

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In WOC, it is not necessary for the hero to return to thecity to buy equipment.

Because the map is so big, it would be a waste of time to goback and forth to the city every time you buy equipment.

In the game, each person has their own courier, called thePostman, who is actually a bird who is responsible for delivering theequipment, accessories, and medicines and other supplies purchased by theplayer from the spring shop.

Postman can also have a lot of skins, all sorts, horses,dragons, all kinds of weird looks.

However, players still like to call the Postman a bird.

It is worth noting that birds can be killed by opposingplayers, and the birds will not automatically respawn until five minutes afterbeing killed, so once the bird is killed, players who can't get the equipmentin time can only go home and update the equipment, which is verytime-consuming.

Because of this, players will be careful to pay attention totheir bird's path when transporting equipment, and if it is wrong, they willimmediately manually control and change the route to avoid being killed by theenemy.

On the other hand, for enemy players, killing the opponent'sbird is a good choice to break the rhythm, there is no risk, and there is moneyfor killing a bird.

Therefore, in WOC, even though killing birds is seen as avillain's act, everyone still enjoys it.

And now, Jiang Min is in the embarrassing situation of beingkilled by his bird and not being able to get equipment.

Tsk, what a villain! Jiang Min was indignant.

That's right, villain! Hao Qian next to Jiang Min alsoagreed.

Sugar God's wave of 6 just now, if the elemental elves hadn'tbeen cut, they would have been fattened a long time ago. Wei Yabai said in theback.

Oops,The version will change at any time.,Maybe the nextversion of the single will be up? Wei Yafeng was holding a can of Coke in hishand.

Bai Yin nodded: Really good players will not decline becauseof the version, and the sugar god is okay in this state.

He is already looking forward to next season, and with anall-round midlaner like Sugar God, he can achieve even more tactics.

Although Xiao Nan is also good, his style of play is steady,lacking some momentum, and the integration with the style of the whole team isstill lacking.

The sugar god is different, dare to fight and rush, and atthe same time can keep a cool head, and can also give clear ideas during teambattles, and can serve as a deputy commander.

JW has a promising future.

That is, when is the sugar candy not powerful! Yu Hao saidproudly, as if others were praising himself.

Jiang Min silently dismantled a lollipop and stuffed it intohis mouth.

It's not that he's addicted to smoking, it's that he has alittle-known hobby of sweets.

People who always say that kind of child-like things in frontof people that I don't like, in fact, I like sweet and greasy flavors behind myback.

It had only been a short time since he arrived at the JWbase, and he had not yet become familiar with the environment, so he had nothad time to purchase his stockpiles.

You know, when he was in CC, he hoarded a lot of sugar in hisroom, and often secretly bought sweets such as cakes to eat.

Jiang Min has a lollipop in his mouth, there is no wave onthe surface, but he is actually very satisfied in his heart.

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