Chapter 59: Exhibition Match (1)

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JW's team members stood there in embarrassment.

The referee and staff reminded You Guanyu to shake hands, buthe still stood still.

Jian Ran, who was sitting next to You Guanyu, stood up andtried to push You Guanyu, but the other party was still unmoved, he looked atthe JW team members with an apologetic expression.

Yu Hao glanced at You Guanyu.

It's normal to win or lose in e-sports, and You Guanyu hasalso been playing professionally for several years, and his mentality is reallybad.

Seeing that You Guanyu didn't react for a long time, hesimply jumped over the other party and shook hands with the players behind CCone by one.

The rest of JW's team saw that the captain had done that, sothey obediently followed.

When Jiang Min passed by behind You Guanyu, he looked at theID of Champion printed on the back of his team uniform, and was stunned for awhile.

You Guanyu should be very eager for the championship likemost people, but sometimes, he uses the wrong method.

Sugar God, congratulations. When Jiang Min and Jian Ran shookhands, Jian Ran lowered her head and muttered.

Well, come on.

After Jiang Min finished speaking, he followed his teammatesand left.

Jian Ran looked at the back that he longed for and sighed.

In the future, it will probably only be farther and fartheraway from that person.


In this game, Jiang Min was interviewed again.

And the person in charge of the interview is still ShangTing.

After hosting himself to do enough psychologicalconstruction, he put on the most professional smile: Welcome to our post-gameinterview, our guest today is still the sugar god, please say hello toeveryone!

Expressionless · Jiang Min: Hello everyone, I'mLollipop at JW's No. 2 position.

Shang Ting: First of all, congratulations to JW for winningfive in a row, today's battle against your old club CC is Sugar God, do youhave any special feelings after winning the game?

Jiang Min picked up the microphone: just.... There werevarious reasons for losing the first game, but personally, it was because I wastargeted badly and broke the rhythm of the team, so I told my teammates to letme go free in the second game.

Shang Ting: Then they can release you with peace of mind?

Jiang Min: That's not it, they still gave me a lot ofeyesight.

Shang Ting: Okay, I can see that my teammates take good careof the sugar god. Then the next question, Sugar God's operation of lighting TPin the second game is eye-catching, how did you come up with the idea of doingthis at that time?

Jiang Min: Uh... I didn't think much of it, but it just sohappened that the teleportation reel wasn't on the CD, so I tried to make awave.

Shang Ting: The sugar god's whim has reaped good results.Last question, the number one of the sugar god who topped the national serverhas not been on for a while, and fans are asking when you will play a dozenrankings on the tuba?

Jiang Min: Ah, this, I'm sorry, I'm an iron slave, I don'twant to come down when I go up, unless the score in the back exceeds me, Iwon't be on that number.

Shang Ting smiled awkwardly.

... Is it okay to say that you are an iron slave?

Shang Ting: .... Okay, thank you Sugar God for our post-gameinterview, I'm the host Shang Ting, and we'll be back soon.

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