Chapter 10: 01 War

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The barrage in Jiang Min's live broadcast room was dense.

[Oh my God!Million! That's the highest transfer fee in the history of the league, right!? 】

[I don't know which club is so trenched]

[Don't any of you care why the good CC sells sugar gods?Sugar God is a CC veteran mid-laner]

[Maybe it's hype, who will really buy people with 30 million]

There are different opinions about the barrage.

Jiang Min originally chose to turn a blind eye to the barrageof the water army that had just been sprayed with him, but this time he wasquite surprised to see that the crazy barrage had swiped out something abouthim that he didn't know.

Why does he know about himself every time he has contentabout himself?

Also, what is a 30 million transfer?

Just like being transferred to the team before, Jiang Min wasstill confused.

What 30 million transfers? If you don't understand, just ask,Jiang Min asked the barrage.

[You don't know thesugar god? 】

[Shocked! The ownerof the sky-high transfer didn't even know it! 】

[Tangtang, what'sthe matter with you, why don't you know anything? 】

[There is news onWeibo that there is a club that buys your transfer for 30 million, sugar god! ]】

[Guiding the way to e-sports quack music Weibo, no thanks]

Jiang Min was in the camera in the live broadcast room, andthe sailors took out their mobile phones and climbed on Weibo in full view.

Jiang Min's Weibo has not been used for 10,000 years, and itis normal to not know the explosion news on Weibo.

At that time, he registered a verified account calledCC.Lollipop under the coercion and inducement of his manager, and only ahandful of Weibo posts have been posted in the past three years, and they wereall edited and sent by the manager for him.

Because he didn't use it for a long time, his Weibo accountwas stolen once, and he forwarded and liked all kinds of inexplicable things.

Later, I still asked the CC official Bo Niang to get theaccount back.

Jiang Min soon found the hot search.

The topic of the 30 million sky-high transfer of the InternetSugar God is hanging high on the hot search.

One point in, the first one is the breaking news of e-sportsquack Lele.

The corners of Jiang Min's mouth twitched.

Where did this come from?

If there is transfer news, there is no reason for Xiang Miannot to inform him as soon as possible, what kind of moth is the team doing thistime?

Also, which club did the 30 million buy him to?

There aren't many clubs in the league that can afford thisprice, and if you think about it, you can list them.

Is it the OVO team next door not far from CC? Or is it theBBG team that has been hitting the streets despite being rich? Or is it really.... Where is Yu Hao's JW?

Either way, going there would be better than staying in CC 2.

Jiang Min knew in advance that CC was going to sell himself,so he was not surprised by the revelation that CC was selling people.

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