Chapter 37: Punch my teammates

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The next day, Christmas, morning.

Sunlight poured into the room through the cracked curtains.

Jiang Min opened his eyes in a daze.

As a light-sensitive creature, he woke up as soon as thebright sunlight hit his bed.

Xi habitually touched the phone, and when he tried to sit up,he felt a weight pressing on his body.

Jiang Min raised his neck to take a look.

... Yu Hao's octopus-like posture is what's going on...

But Hao still sleeps very comfortably and is still in a sweetdream.

Jiang Min didn't know what to do for a while.

Is it to continue to lie in bed and brush your mobile phonefor a while, which is equivalent to waking up naturally? Or just wake up theother person?

Jiang Min hesitated.

His body moved slightly, Yu Hao snorted and slowly opened hiseyes.

Morning, Sugar Candy~ He said softly in a gentle voice thathad not yet opened his voice in the morning.

.... Early.

So, did this guy really just hold himself and sleep allnight?

Jiang Min was a little stunned.

Yu Hao sat up, as if he didn't feel that there was anythingabnormal about sleeping with his hands and feet hugging Jiang Min, he strokedhis hair twice at random, and looked back at Jiang Min, who was also sittingup.

Hungry or not? Let's go have breakfast. Yu Hao said.


Jiang Min obediently got up.

After the two finished washing, they went downstairs oneafter the other.

Because we were staying outside, there were no computers andno games, so everyone went to bed early last night.

At least not past four o'clock in the morning.

It's 11 a.m., and some of the people in the JW team, who havebeen empty for more than ten hours, are still getting up because of hunger.

Among them, including the gold and silver steamed bunbrothers.

Sugar God, Captain~ Silver Steamed Bun Wei Yafeng waved hishand at the two people coming down in the living room, Go to dinner? Together!

Yu Hao's face was expressionless.

Hey, the alone dining time with Tangtang is in the soupagain.

JW's people got up one after another, went to the hotelrestaurant to eat, and came back one by one to continue to lie in the villa.

Hao Qian also lay on the recliner on the balcony of thevilla, wearing sunglasses, drinking drinks, and enjoying the afternooncomfortably.

Ah~ the sea! Ah~Sunshine! Ah~ Beach! That's what a vacationis! He couldn't help but sigh.

However, JW did not come out for a vacation this time, butfor team building.

The operation department is burdened with the important taskof shooting team building videos to enhance the feelings and interaction ofteam members.

So, after resting for a while after dinner, the planning ladyof the operation department jumped out.

Comrades! Today's team building activity is about to begin!Hurry up and get ready! The young lady is full of vitality.

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