Chapter 38: Candlelit dinner

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In the end, the Marines didn't know what kind of magic theyplayed, but it was he and another member of the Fortune Division who won thevictory.

The winner of the game will only be two people.

So far, three candlelit dinner packages have been given away.

There is still some time left before dinner, and then theplayers have free time.

The team members of the Fortune branch and the officialblogger Ah Xin are friends who break through the boundary between men and womenand have nothing to say, so they invite Ah Xin to be the object of thecandlelight dinner.

This flattered Ah Xin, who didn't participate in the game andthought he didn't have a chance to be romantic.

However, if you go to a candlelit dinner, you won't have achance to secretly photograph the other team members eating.

After all, for the sake of privacy, candlelit dinners arearranged at a table across the beach.

If she goes to a candlelit dinner with the team, she willmiss the opportunity to secretly photograph the other two tables.

So, she gave this glorious task to her friend Qiuqiu.

Qiuqiu, this difficult task is up to you! Ah Xin saidrighteously, whether the official blog can be updated tonight depends onwhether you can take good photos!

Ball Ball Shame.

She thinks that the photos of everyone playing together inthe team building activity just now are very good?

It's vibrant, and there is good interaction, can't you postthose photos on the official blog?

However, Ah Xin, an official blogger who is committed tobuilding JWCP culture, still strongly hopes that what will appear on theofficial blog page tonight will be a photo of a candlelit dinner.

All right... Qiuqiu reluctantly accepted the task.

Always feel that it seems impolite to disturb two people toeat?

Qiuqiu's eyes swirled.

Ah Xin and the team members have nothing to shoot when theyeat, and Ah Xin, the official blogger who has not been exposed to the public,is not suitable for secretly photographing her.

The other pair is Team Yu of the WOC Division and the SugarGod who has just joined the club, the Sugar God and her male god! It's good totake a sneak peek at them.

Anyway, the official blog fired their CP yesterday, why don'tyou take advantage of the victory to chase after it?

As for the last couple, the Fortune Division's marineshaven't made a choice yet, and they don't know who the always cold marines willchoose to have dinner with.

Marine, who would you like to invite to dinner? The planninglady asked curiously.

As long as you're a member of the club, right? Lu Huai didn'thave a head or an end.

Well? Well... Yes. The young lady nodded.

Then I'll choose... Lu Huai's eyes wandered around thesidelines, and finally fell on Ji Xiuyan, who was wearing sunglasses andpretending not to care.

Is it okay for me to choose my boss? Lu Huai said somethingshocking.

The planner is petrified.

Would a normal team member want to invite the boss to dinner?Or a candlelit dinner???

Lu Huai saw that the young lady didn't reply for a long time,so he asked: Can't you?

The young lady came back to her senses: Uh, it's notimpossible... It is... This one... Lu team, you better talk to Mr. Ji yourself.

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