Chapter 92: Group Stage 3

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[Am I mistaken?] What the hell is 13445? 】

[What? Am I right? Tortoiseshell Warrior is not 4? That can't be 3, right? 3. There are centaurs.

When the hero exchange was completed, the tortoiseshell warrior came to Jiang Min's hands, and everyone saw JW's intentions clearly.

[Do you really want to fight 2 with tortoiseshell warriors? ] So risky]

It's no wonder that barrage is so worried.

The tortoiseshell warrior is the No. 2 position that eats resources very much, because it not only has to stack defense equipment, but also has to produce attack equipment, otherwise the bare flesh is thick, and it will not play much role in team battles.

The selection of such a hero is undoubtedly very slow-paced.

JW's tortoiseshell warrior was very good at fooling the Tigers, who had thought that the tortoiseshell warrior was the number 4 position, so he chose the Nether Wizard for the tortoiseshell warrior. But I didn't expect that the tortoiseshell warrior was in the middle, and the ice dragon of the Yu team had been selected, so it had an advantage in the lane. Uncle Yuan said.

The heroes of the WOC are restrained from each other, especially during the laning phase.

Of course, hero restraint does not mean that the dominant hero will definitely play an advantage online, but more depends on the strength of the player.

The Sugar God had also used tortoiseshell warriors before. Ruby said, "But Tortoiseshell Warriors are not a common hero in the No. 2 position, and the playing rate as a mid laner is very low, is there a special consideration for JW to choose such a lineup in such a crucial game?

Lack: yes, I thought it was about whether it was a homecoming, JW would show his housekeeping skills, not to mention anything else, after the version was slightly changed, the elemental elves could still play, and I was still looking forward to seeing the sugar god's elemental elves at the World Championship, but I didn't expect it to be a tortoiseshell warrior in the middle.

And judging from JW's lineup, most of them are 4 guarantees and 1, and the ones who protect are still tortoiseshell warriors in the middle lane. Uncle Yuan said, then next, what kind of effect JW's lineup can play, let's wait and see.

The competition has officially begun.

The alignment period passed smoothly.

Jiang Min's line has been very stable, and with the support of his teammates, JW did not fall behind in the early stage.

After the laning period ends, the Tortoiseshell Warrior starts the full-map brush mode.

And several other people, under the unified command of captain Yu Hao, each played their own role.

Wei Yafeng in the No. 5 position is always on the move, ensuring a field of vision and providing the tortoiseshell warriors with the safest possible environment for swiping money.

Hao Qianyi in the No. 3 position and No. 4 are located in Haoquantu, specializing in catching and killing the lone opposite hero, cutting off the rhythm of the opposite side, so that the fast-paced lineup on the opposite side can't play too big a lineup.

The combat effectiveness of the No. 3 and No. 4 positions in the early and middle stages is still very impressive. In the gap between No. 1 and No. 2C need to eat resources to grow, it is mainly up to other teammates to lead the rhythm.

And JW and the two of them didn't know when they learned to be chicken thieves, and after killing people, they turned their heads and drilled into the woods, and they didn't love war at all, which caused Tigers to fight very annoyed.

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