Chapter 83: R Country Race (5)

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...... Ji Xiuyan's whole person is not good.

Lu Huai was so close, he felt that his heartbeat was about to be perceived by the other party.

Uh, that... What, no, I.... Boss Ji was in a mess and didn't know what to say at all.

Lu Huai smiled lightly after flirting with someone, sat on the edge of the bed and got dressed: You drank too much last night and vomited everywhere, I helped you scrub it briefly, I was too tired to sleep here with you.

Rub, scrub!?

Ji Xiuyan's brain exploded.

Not only have you seen it, but you have also touched it? It's over, it's over, it's over Just thinking about that image makes me have a nosebleed.

However, no matter how crazy he is in his head, Boss Ji on the surface still maintains his consistent image as the president.

Uh, ahem, that's a real bother. He didn't dare to look at Lu Huai's eyes, turned his head sideways and pretended to cough, but his red ears and cheeks betrayed him.

Lu Huai looked at him and felt cute, his shirt was not yet dressed, it was half open, he turned his head and tilted his head slightly, and the halo outlined a beautiful outline behind him.

So Xiao Yan, I've seen it all, I've touched it, don't you think about dating me?


Ji Xiuyan's eyes widened.

..... Ha?

Boss Ji and Captain Lu are making rapid progress, but here the WOC division is fighting hard in the R country division.

PH is a world-class team, and unlike previous opponents, JW's players must give their all, even to the point of excess.

After four rounds of intense plays, the two sides fought to a 2:2 draw.

After a short break, it was time for the final tiebreaker to decide the winner of the R Country Race.

Mom, this is the closest I have come to winning the first world-class championship, although the weight is not as good as the World Finals, but I think I can blow it for a lifetime if I win the championship! Hao Qianyi said while moving his wrist, I can't let the parents and villagers in my hometown down!

Sugar candy, can you still bear the pressure of DNA on the line? Yu Hao didn't pay much attention to the results, but paid more attention to the process of the next game.

After all, he doesn't want to wait until after the game to regret it, and it is very necessary to communicate well before the game.

Not bad. Jiang Min unscrewed a bottle of water and took a few sips.

In the first four games, Jiang Min and DNA are basically five or five open, if the middle lane is 1V1.

But PH's style of playing around DNA still put a lot of pressure on Jiang Min.

Fortunately, Wei Yabai has been in good form recently, and the double C linkage has allowed JW to gnaw two points in the hands of PH.

Boys, play hard, if we win the fifth game, we will have the points for the championship of the sub-station, so that this year's World Championship will be stable anyway! Emperor Fan cheered for the players.

JW team, please prepare. The staff knocked on the door and reminded everyone that it was time to play.

The five team members plus coach Yan Junying glanced at each other.

I have faith in you, go up. Yan Junying said.

The final was almost four hours old, and it was almost 10 o'clock in the evening.

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