Chapter 3: Deep-water torpedoes go on the line

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Sugar Candy, who are you playing with?

This voice is all too familiar to Jiang Min.

The barrage is just as familiar.

[It's over!]Large-scale cheating and bag grabbing scene! 】

[The queen friedfish! 】

[Deep-watertorpedo· Little Fish is online! 】

The barrage is all like eating melons and watching theexcitement, but it's not a big deal.

Xiao Yu, a fixed double-row teammate who always sits firmlyin the main palace on the list, no matter which number Jiang Min has, suddenlyappeared after disappearing for several days.

Jiang Min's voice room originally had a password.

But Xiao Yu knew that his passwords would always be so few,so he easily tried them out.

Jiang Min was originally nothing, but when he was said by thebarrage, he inexplicably felt a little empty-hearted.

Well? Wait a minute! Why should he be weak-hearted, and hedoesn't really have anything to do with Xiaoyu.

It seems that in the future, the barrage will be closed toprotect IQ, and they are about to be assimilated by the barrage.

Ah, little fish, here you are. Jiang Min was a littleembarrassed to say hello.

Well.... Who are you playing with? The little fish chasedafter this.

[It's over, the main palace lady is not reluctant]

[The little fish isjealous! Sugar candy hurry up~】

Uh, nothing, just ordered a playmate. Jiang Min swallowed.

Playing with? If no one accompanies you, you can call me.Xiaoyu's voice seemed to be a little unhappy, why is it called playing?

....... You're not saying there's something to disturb you,I'm afraid of disturbing you.

Well, it's okay now ..... Give me the captain.

Oh. Jiang Min didn't know why, he always listened to Xiaoyu'swords.

Xiao Yu has a cheerful personality, while Jiang Min belongsto the passive social type, and in a way, the two of them do complement eachother.

Jiang Min is also often led by small fish, and he is Xi toit.

Jiang Min was very cooperative and handed over the captain toXiaoyu.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Jiang Min was dumbfounded.

[The captain livedin the middle of the lane and kicked Lolita out of the team.] 】

A system prompt is displayed on the screen.

Lolita is the little brother who plays with him, and afterbeing kicked out of the team, he naturally fell out of the team's voice room.

Jiang Min: ???

[Anger from Xiaoyu, Sugar Candy, you apologize quickly~]

[Jealous little fish hahahaha]

What, why did you kick him? I still haven't played a feworders.... Jiang Min said weakly.

Are you short of money? Xiaoyu asked suddenly.

There's no shortage of it.

That's it, what do you care about with all that little money?Xiao Yu said, gone, double row.

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