Chapter 6: You're left with me

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Jiang Min was shocked.

Although he and Xiaoyu have known each other through WOC forseveral months, he has never considered meeting offline.

Although he is very happy with Xiaoyu online, Jiang Minoffline is completely opposite to online.

Words of meeting... Wouldn't it be embarrassing?

Jiang Min was unexpectedly troubled by whether to facenetizens or not.

Xiao Yu knows his identity as a professional player, but hedoesn't know anything about Xiao Yu.

He only knew that the other party was younger than him, whathe was doing, and whether he was still a student or not, and he didn't knowthis information.

However, for now, he felt that he really needed to go out andbreathe.

Xiaoyu has a cheerful personality, maybe it is a good choiceto meet and chat.

However, Xiaoyu often says all kinds of snacky things onlineto tease him, and he doesn't really want to gay him, right?

Jiang Min was entangled.

Xiaoyu's side seemed to know that Jiang Min was hesitating,and continued to send news: [Just near your base, I'll treat you~ Sugar God hasa face]

[It won't be long, just the two of us]

[Do you need me topick you up at the gate of your base?] 】

Xiaoyu's active stickiness is vividly reflected, and he lookslike he won't stop if he can't see Jiang Min.

Jiang Min extinguished the cigarette.

It's just a netizen, what's there to be afraid of.

Besides, I've known Xiaoyu for so long, everyone is in thesame city, and it's really not too much to come out for a supper.

It's just that it's okay to pick him up.

Like other teams in China, the CC team has also squatted atthe gate of the base all year round with many fans.

I don't know when it began, as the development of e-sportsleagues became more and more formalized, the fan circle culture slowlyintegrated into the e-sports fandom.

There are some crazy fans who squat at the gate of the baseday and night, just to be able to catch a glimpse of their favorite players.

There are also fans who don't really pay that much attentionto technology and just follow a certain player just because he looks good.

And Jiang Min is the representative of those good-lookingplayers, so some of his fans are also pure beauty fans.

He was sure that if he swaggered out from the main entranceto meet Xiaoyu, he would definitely be surrounded by fans guarding the door.

[Don't, I'm afraid of being gank by fans at the door] JiangMin typed quickly.

[So what to do?]Slipping out? Do you want to go over the wall? 】

Xiaoyu's brain hole is really novel, he just has a base, andhe doesn't have to sneak over the wall.

[Where?] Send me the address, I'll drive to] Jiang Minreplied. The garage exit is not in front of the base, so you will not encounterfans who are crouching and guarding.

If you want to drink, just call a substitute driver backthen.

Jiang Min sent a message to the team leader, reported hiswhereabouts, and then went back to the room to change into black clothes atrandom, and went to the garage with the car keys.

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