Chapter 89: The World Finals begin

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Every year, the WOC Pro League World Finals is the biggest event of the WOC.

With a few days to go before the competition, the teams are arriving one after another, and the billboards on the streets of Los City, including those hanging under the street lights, are the content of the S7 finals.

Last year's finals were also held in country M, but not in the city of Los.

Although Jiang Min was still in CC last year and did not participate in last year's World Finals, he also had the experience of going to country M to compete in the past, so he is not a stranger to this country.

Ah, back to the country. Hao Qianyi looked out the window, It was evening when they arrived, looking at the city with the lights on at the beginning of the day, and sighed.

We weren't playing in Los last year, so what are you pretending to be sad about? Wei Yabai never forgot to stick a knife in Hao Qian.

It was also in country M, and as soon as I stepped on the soil here, I remembered the experience of being hammered in the head shot in the group stage last year. Hao Qianyi also shuddered.

Not this year. Yan Junying had a hat on his face, his seat was flat, he was resting in the front row of the bus, and suddenly said loudly, if you can't swim out of the group stage, just wait for me.

When everyone heard this, they were all a spirit.

In order not to be abused by the devil coach in order to turn back, you must qualify for the group stage!


While waiting for the team leader to check in at the hotel arranged by the tournament organizers, the JW team met the PH team in the lobby, who had also just arrived.

After losing to JW in the first stage of the Global Points Championship R Chapter, PH was in a plummeting flight in the second and third stages of the other races.

If it weren't for the fact that they had won a lot of points in the spring and in the country races, they would have been in the world this year.

Hao Qianyi's eyes were sharp enough to find that the PH team seemed to have changed.

Hey? Why are the two of them missing? He was referring to the 4th and 5th positions of PH, and although he was not familiar with it, he was not face blind and could be seen at a glance.

Ah, that. Emperor Fan came back with the room card at some point, and I heard that something happened to their two assistants and they were dismissed by the team.

What can I do to dismiss before the tournament? Isn't it cold this time, and it takes time for the team to run in. Wei Yafeng said.

Emperor Fan pouted: What else can it be, it's nothing more than eating spinach. It is said that when PH was in a few online matches, they hooked up with the two assistants on the opposite side and the staff of the team, played a fake match, and were discovered by DNA, but it didn't break out before, so they didn't get along all the time, but everyone didn't know why they didn't get along.

Later, probably because the contradictions within the team could not be resolved, and they couldn't bear it, PH made the decision to expel the two assistants. Emperor Fan continued.

Spinach seems to be a topic that esports can never escape.

It can also be said that many competitive sports, including e-sports, cannot escape the gray area.

There was silence for a while.

They don't care about the fate of other teams, they just have to be themselves.

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