Chapter 13: Xiang Mian marries his children

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There was an eerie silence in the training room.

Let's not talk about what Yu Hao said, just from the factthat Captain JW appeared in the CC base, it is enough to make people feelterrifying.

Yu Hao was still smiling and hugging Jiang Min's neck, notcaring at all about the surprised eyes of the other two.

Uh, Ah Min, you can go downstairs when you pack up, JW's bossand team leader are waiting downstairs. Xiang Mian was also a littleembarrassed, he didn't expect Captain JW to start with Jiang Min as soon as hecame.

How did he remember that Ah Min said that he and Yu Hao werenetizens and had met once. Can you mature like this once before?

Ah, yes, Brother Yan, they're still waiting downstairs. Afterbeing reminded by Xiang Mian, Yu Hao remembered his own boss and team leaderwho were left to hang aside.

Previously, after Xiang Mian transported Jiang Min's luggagedownstairs, he met the JW boss who had already signed the contract, and saidthat he would go upstairs to call Jiang Min down, and then Yu Hao followed him.

Ji Xiuyan despised Jiang Hao from the inside out in hisheart, as for being so anxious?

Hawkers, we signed the player transfer contract first thistime, and what conditions do you want, even if you mention it to us, Iguarantee that he will not dare to refuse. Yu Hao said as he walked outside thetraining room with Jiang Min's shoulder.

Jiang Min was embarrassed.

What does it mean to dare not refuse? What kind of existencedoes the owner of JW have at the club?

As soon as Jian Ran saw that Jiang Min was leaving, hehurriedly followed: Sugar God, I'll send you!

In the training room of the second team, only You Guanyu wasleft.

You Guanyu stared at Jiang Min's back as he left, his facegloomy.


Ji Xiuyan waited in the CC lobby with Fan Gaoyang, the leaderof JW's WOC branch.

Today, he straightened his hair, which was permed into dogcurls, and combed his head neatly, and wore a black Armani suit, a tweed coatover it, a white shirt underneath, and a pair of dark brown leather shoes,meticulous from head to toe.

If Boss Ji hadn't faced Hao, the whole person would stilllook quite in line with the image of a domineering president.

... At least on the surface.

After signing the contract, CC boss Lin Hong pretended thathe still had something to do, and did not come down to see them off.

Ji Xiuyan didn't care about these details, anyway, he didn'thave a good impression of Lin Hong, and he wished that the other party woulddisappear from his eyes as soon as possible.

As soon as the elevator door in the CC hall opened, Yu Hao,like a sunflower, kept staring at Jiang Min and said to him that he was talkingthis and that, and walked out of the elevator. Xiang Mian and Jian Ranfollowed.

Brother Xiang, why is Honor, the captain of JW, so familiarwith the sugar god? Jian Ran didn't understand where the sugar god had accessto JW's people on weekdays, so he asked Xiang Mian in a low voice.

Oh, the two of them are netizens. Xiang Mian summed it upincisively.

Ha? Netizen? Jian Ran cracked, he also paid attention to thelive broadcast of the sugar god, how could he remember that there were no JWpeople in the professional players in the sugar god's friend list?

And Xiang Mian didn't want to say anything more about this.After all, it's unbelievable that Captain JW actually pretended to be close toJiang Mintao or something, whether he had ulterior motives or not, if thismatter was spread out, it would definitely make people feel like a fantasy.

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