Chapter 61: Match-fixing

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After Jiang Min returned to the base, he received a call fromXiang Mian.

Xiang Mian left CC a few months ago to work for another clubin the league, HSJ.

The fact that CC was investigated by the league for suspectedmatch-fixing spread on the Internet.

I just wanted to care about whether Jiang Min was affected.

Amin, there must have been no match-fixing when you werethere, and I was at the club at the time, so I would never allow that tohappen. Xiang Mian said on the phone, So, if there is really a violation ofeating spinach in a match-fixing match, it must be after we leave CC. If thealliance sends someone to investigate, let's just cooperate, and if we don't doanything wrong, we won't be afraid of getting into trouble.

Jiang Min: Hmm...

Xiang Mian sighed on the other end of the phone: What's thematter, a good club, alas! .... Forget it, Ah Min and we are both out of it, sodon't think about it so much. You're focused on playing, and there's still along season going on.

After chatting with Xiang Mian for a few more words, JiangMin hung up the phone.

After all, it was the club that led him into his career andthe club he stayed for four years, and Jiang Min still couldn't rest assuredabout it.

In particular, there is also Jian Ran, who can be said tohave grown up with his own No. 5 position.

Jiang Min decided to find out the situation with Jian Ran.

He dialed Jian Ran's phone number, and after ringing for awhile, he was picked up, and on the opposite side was Jian Ran's youthful voicethat Jiang Min was familiar with, but he was a little tired.

Feed? Sugar God? Jian Ran was overjoyed when she receivedJiang Min's call.

You know, after leaving CC, Jiang Min never took theinitiative to call him.

Well... You... Are you alright? Jiang Min didn't say what itwas, because Jian Ran must have known what he was pointing at.

...... There was silence on the other end of the line.

Jiang Min was not in a hurry or impatient, waiting for theother party to speak.

After a long time, Jian Ran said: Sugar God... Can I talk toyou? I... It's really a bit overwhelming.

Jiang Min: Okay, let's make an appointment, I'll go andreport to the club.

Jian Ran: CC is in a mess now, and it's very convenient forme to come out. Why don't I go to your club and find you?

Jiang Min: ... Good.


JW Club, WOC Division Training Room.

Everyone else was playing ranked and running a live broadcastto fill the time, and Jiang Min sat in his place and waited for Jian Ran'snews.

And Yu Hao, who came back from outside, was called to theoffice by Boss Ji, who hadn't left the base yet.

Hao Qianyi was as irritable as ever, and his voice filled theentire training room.

Hey! I'm a cactus! Is this No. 1 position on the horsestupid?

In the last game, the little rat who won the ranking and washappy with his teammates, this game was ruthless in the case of a bigdisadvantage.

It fully shows what it means to be a good brother if you win,and MMP when you lose.

The twin brother wears headphones while listening to musicwhile playing games live, and is deaf to the noise of the little mouse.

The coaching staff and analysts are still summarizing andanalyzing the afternoon game against CC after the review with the players.

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