Chapter 12: He's my man

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Jiang Min is sick.

He sniffled, had a fever patch on his forehead, and put on amask to avoid infecting the rest of the base, and tidied up in his room.

As for how he got sick, it wasn't because of the recentdepression in his heart that caused him to have problems with his physicalcondition or anything, but because he couldn't get rid of Xiang Mian.

The CC Club manager was depressed for several days afterlearning that the child he had raised was going to be sold.

Because of his gloomy aura, even the operation departmentwith the base looked sad and bleak.

And after receiving JW's official signing time and the noticeof coming to pick up the person, Manager Xiang was even more disappointed.

In fact, he also knows that it is normal for professionalplayers to transfer, and the children who have grown up under him have come andgone several times.

But Jiang Min is the child he has taken with him for thelongest time, and since he learned that the boss was going to sell people, hefelt like he had a stone in his heart, and he should panic.

He was reluctant to Jiang Min.

But for the sake of Jiang Min's future, letting him go toother first-tier league clubs is the best choice at the moment.

Jiang Min is exactly when he can play, and he can't let himwaste time and state in CC.

In fact, even if JW doesn't come, Xiang Mian thinks that JWis the best choice, and even plans to contact JW first after Jiang Min'scontract protection period expires.

Who would have thought that JW not only took the initiativeto come to the door, but also offered an unprecedentedly high price.

On the one hand, Xiang Mian felt relieved about Jiang Min'sfuture, but on the other hand, he also fell into the sadness of being separatedfrom his child.

He didn't expect that the day of separation would come soquickly.

So, in the cold winter weather, Xiang Mian pulled Jiang Minto drink wine on the terrace on the roof of the base for a night.

The two of them spoke freely, and Xiang Mian said everythingthat was heartfelt, most of which were complaining about the new boss of CC.

I'm stepping on the horse and quitting this year! Labor andmanagement don't want to be angry with this Rausch! Xiang Mian said with tearsin his eyes as he poured beer.

As a result of the cold wind blowing on the top floor allnight, Jiang Min had a cold and fever the next day.

Xiang Mian is a little better than him, but his throat hurtsa little.

He was deeply sorry for Jiang Min's illness.

Ah Min, have you put things away? Xiang Mian knocked on the doorand came in.

Jiang Min looked around the room.

He didn't have much stuff in the first place, and he didn'thave much luggage except for some civilian clothes, and it was almost enough topack a big suitcase.

His eyes fell on the photos of the winning teams and thechampionship medals presented to him on the shelves.

After winning the championship, the tournament team will givethe champion club a trophy smaller than the symbolic trophy on the stage, andthen give a medal to each player and coach.

Jiang Min stepped forward, put away the photo, and held thegolden medal in his hand.

The front of the medal is the logo of WPL, and on the back ishis ID, CC. Lollipop.

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