Chapter 85: R Country Race (7)

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Quarrel? Hao Qian, who is always the most active in listening to other people's gossip, was holding a piece of barbecue meat and looked at the staff.

Emperor Fan felt that this topic was not suitable for talking in front of the public, so he hurriedly turned off the live broadcast.

Fortunately, the barbecue restaurant was noisy, and the sailors in the live broadcast room didn't hear it very clearly.

After all, they had to rely on Emperor Fan's roar to hear what Emperor Fan said, let alone hear the words of the WPL staff who were sitting quite far away.

The sailors only condemned Emperor Fan for suddenly having an official blog and not letting them celebrate with the team members.

Anyway, Emperor Fan closed the broadcast and quit the live broadcast room, and he didn't know what the sailors scolded him with a barrage in the live broadcast room with a black screen.

It's quite fierce, anyway. The staff said, but it was all in Korean, and the others didn't understand it, so they didn't know why they were arguing.

This kind of thing is just discussed by others.

After all, it's not my own team, and everyone is curious about what happens to PH at best, and they won't delve into anything.

The esports world, like any industry sector, doesn't have every team working together.

Just like the CC where Jiang Min was in before, maybe PH also had some discord among the team members.

Everyone plays in the same team, and they are brothers, and the relationship is actually equivalent to colleagues, not that the members of each team treat each other as good brothers and friends.

I'll just say, I played well in the first four games, and suddenly pulled my hip in the fifth game, there must be a reason. Hao Qianyi said, seriously, if the fifth game is played like the first four games, we really have to fight to the death, maybe it won't be us who raises the shield today.

Harm, the champion is in hand, what are you talking about. Wei Yabai gently bumped Hao Qianyi with his shoulder, and he didn't get points if he had points.

Hawkers, but anyway, Emperor Fan took a sip of wine, and this situation in the game should not be there, PH is a first-team team, because of the quarrel and discord within the team and losing the game with emotions, this kind of thing will eventually be said. Let's just hear it, or don't spread the word.

Emperor Fan has been in the circle for a long time, and he can see it clearly, and everyone basically listens to his opinion.

So, the PH thing is over.

Finally, the championship of the sub-tournament fell to the WPL, and everyone naturally had to celebrate wildly.

After a few sips, everyone started drinking.

After three rounds of drinking, Yu Hao got up and went to the toilet.

On the way back, he was stopped by Yun Ning.

Yu team, I.... I have something to tell you. I don't know if it's because of alcohol or something else, Yun Ning's cheeks are slightly red.

Yu Hao felt that what Yun Ning was going to say might be the thing he expected, and he was about to sort out that matter after the R country race, so he said: Let's go, it's too noisy here, let's talk outside.

The two walked side by side to the outside of the restaurant.

Hao Qianyi has just become an adult, he hasn't drunk much, and he fainted after a while, and he has to rely on Jiang Min to accompany him when he goes to the toilet.

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