Chapter 76: Chaos

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When the JW team members were full of doubts, Yan Junying, who was far away from his hometown, let go of the mouse, took his hand off the keyboard, and leaned back on the gaming chair and touched his chin.

It's not for nothing that he, who has never taken the initiative to provoke professional players, suddenly has to have a solo station with JW players.

The specific reason goes back to the day before.

Because he had to take care of the bar's business, Yan Junying always came home very late, played games and tossed around, and basically went back to bed in the early morning, so he got up late.

Yan Junying, who lives alone, has a slight wake-up gas, so when his sweet dreams are disturbed by a phone call in the morning, he is very impatient.

The number displayed on the phone is an unknown number.

Yan Junying originally wanted to hang up, but in the dark, the ghost made him so confused that he connected.

Feed? He buried his head in the pillow, nonchalantly.

Yan Zi? On the other end of the line was a voice that sounded familiar.

... Who are you? Yan Junying was confused.

After retiring from the e-sports circle, he started his own business, and those people under his hands shouted Brother Yan all day long, He hadn't heard others call him Yan Zi for a long time.

I'm Lao Bai. The other party identified himself.

Among the people Yan Junying knows, there is only one person who calls himself Lao Bai and still calls him Yan Zi.

That is the current head coach of the WOC division of Team JW, Bai Yin.

Bai Yin and Yan Junying also used to stay at the same club, Bai Yin was an assistant coach at the time, and Yan Junying was young at that time.

Baek Yin's game comprehension level is good, but his hands can't seem to keep up with his brain, so he gives up his dream of becoming a player in the first place and becomes a coach instead.

The two have a lot to discuss in the game, and they have become good brothers when they come and go.

When Yan Junying retired, Bai Yin was one of the few people who knew that he was forced to retire because of a hand injury, so he didn't keep it too much except for regret.

After a few years, Bai Yin has become the head coach of the emerging team, while Yan Junying quietly runs a tavern in his hometown, occasionally silently following the WOC game.

Yan Junying didn't leave any contact information when he left, and in order to avoid reminiscing about the e-sports circle as much as possible, he changed his original contact information.

For several years, he and Bai Yin have never been in contact.

What's going on today? How could he suddenly receive a call from Bai Yin?

Yan Junying suddenly lost all of a sudden's sleepiness and sat up.

Lao Bai.... Yan Junying was silent for a while, congratulations, you played a good spring duel.

... Thank you. Bai Yin said on the other end of the phone, you kid, I finally found it after being missing for so long, but I found your cousin's cousin's brother's friend's daughter-in-law's girlfriend's boyfriend to get your call!

.... What are you doing with that? Yan Junying was speechless for a while, I didn't expect Bai Yin to be so persistent, why don't you take those children from JW to prepare for the next game, what are you looking for me?

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