Chapter 87: Transition (2)

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Jiang Min once thought deeply about the relationship between him and Yu Hao.

In the past, he only thought that they were teammates, members of the team who fought for their dreams together, and brothers who had a good relationship.

However, one day when he was bored diving and scrolling through Weibo, he saw such a sentence.

Does the right answer to love have to be a man and a woman? If you really think it's like, then it's love, regardless of gender.

Jiang Min was stunned when he saw this.

He recalled some of the daily life he spent with Yu Hao.

When I was with Yu Hao, I was burdened at the beginning, but then I was extremely relaxed, and then I didn't seem to be Xi without Yu Hao by my side.

Is this .... Is it a liking?

Later, after witnessing the picture of Yun Ning and Yu Hao together, he finally confirmed his inner thoughts.

The idea of not wanting the other party to be with anyone else is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that Jiang Min thinks that if he doesn't solve this matter before the World Finals, it will affect his performance in the World Championship.

So, he did a long time of psychological construction before he made an appointment with Yu Hao today.

He thought about how Yu Hao would react after he said his true feelings.

You may think it's strange, after all, most people probably can't accept a brother's confession.... But what if the other party also means that?

Even for the sake of this slightest possibility, Jiang Min wanted to muster up the courage to try.

This can be said to be the first time in his life that he has been so proactive.

........ Yu Hao was stunned.

Jiang Min's heart was half cold when he saw him react like this.

Also, what he said was too outrageous, maybe it really scared Yu Hao.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Jiang Min took out a box of cigarettes in the car and lit it.

.... Actually, I didn't expect a response from you.... I took a puff of cigarette and seemed to be a little clearer under the effects of nicotine.

He asked Yu Hao to come out this time to confess, and it would not be uncomfortable to say what was in his heart.

As for the outcome, he doesn't really have much to look forward to.

I just think I'll regret it later if I don't say it.... He went on to say, I see that Yun Ning is very interesting to you, she is a good girl.... You don't have to feel burdened, I like you as my thing, how you choose is your business, I just want to tell you what I think in my heart...

Yu Hao still didn't speak.

..... When I say liking, it's not the kind between friends, it's the kind of love, I think you should understand, right? Jiang Min smoked a cigarette and looked ahead, although he took the initiative to ask Yu Hao to come out, he still didn't dare to look directly into the other party's eyes.

There was silence in the car.

Jiang Min took another puff of cigarette, only to realize that Yu Hao might not like the smell of smoke.

Because since he transferred to JW, the other party has not let him smoke.

... Sorry, I forgot. Jiang Min shook the cigarette between the index finger and middle finger of his right hand and signaled, in such an embarrassing atmosphere, going out to smoke seems to be a good excuse, I'll go out and smoke.

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