Chapter 35: Scheming small fish, online pit fish

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What do you choose? Since it is a double row, Yu Haonaturally wants to match his hero with the hero chosen by Jiang Min.

Uh, whatever it takes. Jiang Min doesn't care.

After so many years of playing professionally at the WOC, ifit's not for him to brag, there's no hero he won't use.

The difference is only in what you are good at and what youare not good at.

That... Random? Yu Hao proposed.

You choose first.

It's okay, I'll wait for you to choose first.

In WOC, there is no fixed order for ordinary players tocompete in ranked battles in non-official tournament modes.

Each player chooses a hero based on the position they choose,and it doesn't have to be in the order of 12345 floors.

The opposite player will not be able to see the positionchosen by their own player.

In other words, it is very likely that the hero selected bythe opponent to play No. 2 is actually in the No. 4 position, but the otherparty will think that it is the No. 2 hero, so they choose the hero against it.

This flexibility also adds to the variability of the game andmakes it more interesting.

If you choose the 2nd position first, it is easy to betargeted, so you choose the 4th position first. Jiang Min observed theselection situation on the other side and said.

Yu Hao looked at Jiang Min's side face, and when he saw thatthe other party had a serious face, he knew that Tangtang would definitely takethis qualifying game seriously.

Okay. Yu Hao has a good relationship with other players inthe WPL league, and there is a lot of communication in normal times. He wantedto be naughty, join in the fun, and pit Lock.

Holding the first person in the national service is a finetradition of the WPL Professional League.

And the person who is currently the first in the nationalcostume is an ancient god that everyone respects very much, so let the god sithigh in the first position.

But since Sugar Candy doesn't have that idea, then this oneshould be a good fight, it's really cheap Lock that kid.

Just when Yu Hao was seriously considering the oppositelineup and seeing what he was choosing, he received a private message from theone who killed my bird will lose in a row, that is, AXB in the No. 2 positionof the SUM team.

AXB is a Korean in WPL, but his Chinese is as good as alocal. His IDAXB is actually an abbreviation for Assiba.

[Pot friend, give me face, I want to hold the small locksauce :)]

Preventing others from reaching the top of the nationaluniform has become a common bad taste for all WPL players.

Yu Hao: [To behonest, I want to too. But my sugar candy doesn't want to. 】

【Sugar... Sugar sugar? Sugar God, yousay? 】


【? Can't see how close you are? Didn'tSugar God just move to JW? 】

AXB and Yu Hao have met many times in the ranks, and theyhave also interacted a lot after being friends.

[That is, the relationship is very unusual]

【... So, have a discussion with thesugar god? Let's press the small lock sauce again? Let him kneel a few moretimes and he won't worry about the first place in the national uniform]

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