Chapter 21: Look at the face and receive the person JW

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Ji Xiuyan's words were muddy, and the food in his mouthtasted the same as chewing wax.

His mind was full of Lu Huai sitting beside him.

Lu Huaiqiren, a well-known god in the Fortune game circle,has led JW's Fortune division to win many championships, and is a topprofessional player in popularity and strength.

The main thing is that the person has to be handsome enough.

The members of the JW team are not bad-looking, and each hasits own characteristics, and because of this, JW is the club that attracts themost female fans in the entire Z country esports league.

It is even rumored that JW is a club that looks at faces.

Boss Ji didn't say a word, and Lu Huai didn't know him well,so he communicated with the players next to him about the training.

Seeing this, Yu Hao of course wanted to help.

Marine, it's offseason, when are we going to play gamestogether? Yu Hao spoke.

As long as you complete your daily training tasks during theoffseason, you can do whatever you want at other times, as long as you don'tviolate laws and regulations.

Therefore, many pro players will choose to play some othergames to relax, as well as as a fan benefit during live broadcasts.

After all, the players usually play the ranking of the gamesthey serve in live broadcasts, and they rarely come into contact with othergames, and fans feel bored after watching too much.

Some other programs are broadcast during the holidays, andthe platform and the audience are happy to see it.

Among them, in addition to playing various stand-alone games,it is the most interesting thing to play games together between variousbranches of each club.

Because, it is possible that the sniper god who kills allsides in the FPS game is a crazy ghost rookie in the MOBA game, and the MOBAgod has a probability in the FPS that the gun is empty and the box is fine.

The show doesn't work out too well.

JW's WOC division used to try out other games with otherplayers in the offseason.

Yes. Lu Huai readily agreed.

Yu Hao continued: I heard that our brother Yan also playsFortune, right?

Ji Xiuyan, who was suddenly CUE, trembled, and smiledembarrassedly: Uh, well, yes, but I played more vegetables....

These are his humble words. Anyway, he was also ahigh-scoring player back then, and although he played less later, his skillswere still there.

Oh? Really? I've never heard Mr. Ji say it. Lu Huai is olderthan Ji Xiuyan, and he is generally called Mr. Ji.

Uh, I don't usually play much, so... Ji Xiuyan spoke verynervously in front of Lu Huai.

It doesn't matter, it's right to play with the boss! Let'smake an appointment another day, how many of us are together? Yu Hao came outat the right time to relieve his cousin's crampedness.

Okay, no problem. Lu Huai agreed.

Ji Xiuyan's brain was buzzing.

In order not to think of the sad thing, the game ID ofFortune he is using now is not the one that used to be in a double row with LuHuai.

If they play games together, if he uses the previous ID, LuHuai will also... Remember?

After the meal, Ji Xiuyan drove away from the club to go hometo rest, while the players living in the JW base returned to the training room.

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