Chapter 49: I'm going back to guard my daughter-in-law!

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The Spring Festival of Internet addicted teenagers is alsovery simple. It's nothing more than a good meal, and then you can play games topass the time.

Shu Lou brought abundant ingredients to the door. Hishometown is in the north, according to traditional Xi, he wrapped a plate ofdumplings as a staple food, and fried a few dishes, which is his and JiangMin's Chinese New Year's Eve dinner.

As a professional player, Jiang Min's skills are quiteoutstanding. But in life, especially when it comes to cooking, it's an idiot.

He once tried to cook, but almost burned the kitchen.

Since then, he's been eating out or ordering takeout.

After joining the e-sports club, I ate the dishes made by myaunt in the club, and occasionally ordered some takeout to satisfy my cravings.

After the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, Jiang Min and ShuLou nestled on the sofa and played console games.

They're playing a two-player adventure RPG that is easy andenjoyable, and it's not too difficult, so it's a good casual mini-game.

By the way, how do you feel at JW? Shu Lou was holding thegamepad with both hands while chatting with Jiang Min.

It's okay, my teammates are good. Jiang Min said that themanager and team leader are also good, boss....

Ji Xiuyan's figure appeared in Jiang Min's mind.

Speaking of which, since the last time he came back from HIsland, he found that the Fortune Division's marines seemed to be going to theboss's office more frequently.

Is the relationship between the Lu team and Boss Ji so good?

Jiang Min felt a little strange.

But it's not good to speculate about the boss, so he didn'tthink much about it.

Ji Xiuyan paid a lot of money to buy him from CC, so that hewould not be reduced to playing in the second-tier league, and he was stillvery grateful to Ji Xiuyan from the bottom of his heart.

The owner is also very nice. Jiang Min said.

Shu Lou stared at the TV screen connected to the host andnodded: That's good, I'm still worried that you won't adapt to the new club...After all, you're actually... I'm scared of life.

has been a teammate with Jiang Min for so long, and Shu Louhas a very thorough understanding of Jiang Min.

The sugar god who looks cold to outsiders is actually justembarrassed to take the initiative to talk to people, and he also recognizeslife when he comes into contact with unfamiliar people, so he seems to talklittle and cold.

In the online world, because there is no face-to-facecommunication, Jiang Min will seem to be a different person, prodigal and liketo communicate.

This is probably a mild social phobia.

And Shu Lou, mourning or mourning, as the captain, hiscommunication skills are still online.

Professional players who have a good relationship with JiangMin in reality have a common characteristic, that is, they all belong to thetype of active socialization.

To be honest, I haven't talked to you in depth. Why on earthdid CC sell you all of a sudden? Wasn't it good before? Shu Lou and Jiang Minare good buddies who have a very strong relationship, and it is normal to saysome heart-to-heart words.

I don't know. Jiang Min shook his head slightly, but I thinkit has something to do with the boss and the team.

Boss? Mr. Lin? I've heard some rumors about him. Shu Lou hadalready transferred before Lin Hong took over CC, so he didn't know much aboutthe current CC boss.

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