Chapter 79: R Country Race (1)

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The news media in country R made an extremely exaggerated report on the WOC Global Points Tournament.

Moreover, the organizers of the event also took turns to play the promotional videos of the sub-station on the major publicity screens in T City.

This is the momentum that is almost in time for the Olympics.

In particular, the news media reports, as always, continue to be more pompous, and even have some elements of secondary school.

Unlike the mainstream media in country Z, which rarely reports on the e-sports circle, the media in country R have reported on the mainstream media today when the teams arrived one after another, especially in the TV news link.

After Hao Qian also got the news, he stayed in front of the TV in the hotel room and waited to watch the news.

The last time he was on TV, of course he was going to be excited.

Mouse, trained. Emperor Fan urged at the door.

Wait, wait, the Great! Hao Qianyi held the remote control board in his hand and said, Although I don't understand, I feel that our picture is about to come out!

Emperor Fan was speechless.

He had known that he would not tell the kids that the news would report on them, which he had heard by chance from the event staff, and he had told the team members at the moment.

The other team members are okay, but Hao Qian is also extremely interested.

If you don't understand it, why bother to be serious here. Fan Dadi said, Anyway, there must be enthusiastic netizens who make CUT and bring a translator to the video website.

No, no, no, such an important moment, of course, you have to watch the live broadcast! Hao Qian also insisted on his opinion, this is the first time that the master has been on TV!

.... It's just a matter of waiting for a few minutes, Emperor Fan also gave up and continued with Hao Qianyi.

Eh, here it is! Hao Qian also saw the logo of the R country race appear on the TV screen.

The news is very short, just a few tens of seconds.

It is nothing more than how important the WOC World League Global Points Tournament will be held in country R, how many spectators it attracts, and incidentally the arrival of teams from various countries.

JW's screen only appears for a few seconds.

But it was enough to make Hao Qianyi excited.

This is news from the official media! I'm on TV! It's nothing more than the official media of other countries...

Okay, okay, let's go when you're done. Emperor Fan said that the god of chaos said that we will continue to adapt to training in the past few days, and the game will start in two days, and we must break out of the group stage.

Hao Qianyi turned off the TV, thinking about going back to find out if anyone had made a CUT on the video website, and he was going to download one and save it, so he smiled and showed his front teeth: Don't worry, Emperor, we will definitely get points!

The JW continued to train in a training room converted from a hotel room arranged by the tournament party, but the net exploded.

However, it was not the netizens of country Z who were bombed, but the netizens of country R.

I don't know who made the news CUT of JW's arrival at the airport into a GIF and put it on the Internet.

The screenshot is the picture of the five team members passing by the camera in turn, among which it may be that Jiang Min's appearance is relatively high, and the photographer followed him for a second or two.

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