Chapter 91: Group Stage 2

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After a long time, Hao Qianyi broke the silence with a big grin: yes, we are still young, compared to those teams with an average age of 24 or 5, we are not yet 22 years old! There are still many opportunities, and you don't have to win the championship this time, so be calmer!

The twin brother gave him a blank look.

If you want to say who has the heaviest burden in these three group games, it must be Hao Qianyi.

After all, in last year's World Finals, JW was unfortunately eliminated in the group stage, and this year everyone is carrying baggage, but it is just a matter of how much psychological baggage there is.

But I have to admit that Hao Qianyi is right.

WOC is not a game that relies heavily on the age of the players, and even if the hand speed and reflexes are not as fast as they get older, some players will still be able to stay active on the court with their experience and flexible court judgment.

As a result, there are many professional players in the WOC Pro League who are over the age of 25 and are still fighting on the front lines.

If it weren't for the injury, many legends like Yan Junying might still be in action.

The average age of JW's players is around 20, which can be said to be a fairly young team in the world.

The team won the regional championship at this year's WPL Spring Split, and then won the Global Points Championship in the following rounds, which is a great result for an emerging team.

Three consecutive defeats in the group stage of the Worlds, of course, are not a matter of strength, but they have carried too much and want to win too much.

As coach Yan Junying said, the consequence of this is that when you play the game, you will be constrained, you will suffer from gains and losses, and you will lose the level of play.

I want to win the championship. Yu Hao said suddenly, But I want to play more happily, if my career is bound by results, then I would rather retire.

His original intention of playing professional was to get closer to Jiang Min, but of course that was not the whole reason.

Among them, of course, is his love for the game.

Because I like it, that's why I embarked on this path.

He believes that so do his teammates.

The twin brothers said that they wanted to be famous and wanted to make money, but before they became professional players, they played harder than anyone else, and Hao Qianyi gave up his studies directly in order to pursue the life he wanted to play professionally.

It is no accident that everyone has embarked on the path of a career path.

Yan Junying's move to bring the players out seems to have played a role.

Jiang Min's state is not too affected, it's not that he doesn't want to win the championship, he didn't have much chance in CC before, this time he finally entered the world championship in his career and had the opportunity to impact the trophy, how could he not want the championship trophy.

It's just that his mentality is a little calmer than that of the other players.

Isn't horizontal and vertical being sprayed by netizens? There will be no shortage of meat, and Jiang Min has already seen through it after all these years of playing professionally.

If it's really bad, just don't read the comments on the Internet.

Those things that are not necessary to receive every day are discarded and discarded.

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