Chapter 24: Triad

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Jiang Min was originally waiting for the selection of someonewith nothing to do, thinking that he was not famous in a vest, and his strengthwas unknown, he would definitely be the last to be selected, but he suddenlyheard that Wanguo had chosen him.

Then, please L children's shoes to join the team of teachersof all countries~ After being reminded by the host of the event, Jiang Minreacted.

He hurriedly clicked on the blue square in the room andjoined the ranks of the nations.

Previously, due to Brother Ying's victory in the SOLO battlewith all nations, he was given the right to choose a side in addition to theright of first choice.

Brother Ying chose the red side, and the team of all nationsnaturally became the blue side.

The rest of the selection was carried out according to theideas of the two captains, and the two tacitly selected according to theconfiguration of two technical anchors per team, two professional players andone good-looking female anchor.

Both of them are so confident that they classify themselvesas technical streamers.

As for whether the audience thinks so, then everyone hastheir own opinions.

The last underdog to be selected was a professional who hadrecently retired and had only recently started broadcasting.

Because professional players usually start playingprofessionally from a very young age, they basically don't go to school againsince they were teenagers, and the jobs they can do after retirement arerelatively limited.

If you are a more famous player who has made enough moneyduring his career, he will have no worries for the rest of his life, do someside hustles or something, and then rely on the accumulated popularity to dolive broadcasts, and he can live a relatively rich life.

But that's a minority, after all.

Most people only see the glamorous side of e-sports, andthink that these Internet addicts can earn millions or even tens of millions ofdollars by casually playing games.

However, they don't see the cruelty of the industry.

Not to mention that the long training hours and tightschedules have caused many professional players to fall into occupationaldiseases, let's just say that there are so many young people who flock to theprofessional circle every year with dreams in mind, and how many of them end upcoming out on top?

Most of them were eliminated during the youth trainingperiod, or spent their entire careers until their form declined to the pointwhere they couldn't move, and they couldn't mix up a famous player.

In this field, there are so many people who are pushing forthe highest point, and there are so many teams, but there is only one champion.

The sweat and tears behind it are the essence of the esportsindustry just like any other sport.

Many retired professional players will choose to be anchors,after all, what they are best at is probably playing games, relying ontechnology and developing a certain live broadcast style, maybe they can alsoearn some living expenses.

A retired player like Brother Ying, who has become afirst-line anchor on the platform, is a typical example.

All in all, not every player has a very prosperous life afterretiring, and there are many unknown people.

The professional player who participated in the JJ Live WOCfriendly match this time is Cool, who has just retired from the league's bottomteam, BBG, and is a No. 2 player who is not well-known.

Cool has spent most of his career in the second league, andthe exposure of the second league is naturally not comparable to that of thefirst league, so he has a small fan base.

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