Chapter 78: Arrive in country R

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Many fans learned that the JW team was about to compete in the global points tournament R country and waited at the airport early.

Unconsciously, the drop-off and pick-up in the fan circle culture has also infiltrated the e-sports circle.

In addition to JW, there are also GEM and MPP teams from Country Z who are heading to the Global Points Tournament.

The two teams will depart later, with JW on an earlier flight.

After the spring final, the JW team that won the championship had a lot more fans.

The scale of this send-off is bigger than ever, comparable to some stars.

Everyone finally squeezed into the boarding tunnel and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's also a distress that fans are too enthusiastic. After everyone found their respective seats and sat down, Hao Qian also breathed a sigh of relief.

You used to worry that there was no one to support us. Wei Yafeng said, Now that there are more people, you start to dislike it again.

After all, JW's WOC division is relatively young in the entire WPL league, and it really didn't have many fans at the beginning, and there were very few people cheering on the scene.

But that's in the past, and it's no exaggeration to say that JW is one of the most popular teams in the league today.

I'm not disgusted, I'm happy and troubled. Hao Qian and his twin brothers quarrel every day.

This time he went to country R to compete, and the manager Shen Qi did not follow, because Boss Ji went abroad with the Fortune branch to compete, Shen Qi could only stay in the country and sit in the rear.

Therefore, the general person in charge of this trip became the team leader Fan Dadi.

Emperor Fan looked through the memo on his mobile phone, and suddenly remembered something: Oh yes, Country R attaches great importance to hosting the WOC Pro League Global Points Tournament this time, and it is said that our more popular teams will be reported by the news media when they arrive at the airport.

Ha? We're a hot team too? Hao Qian was also a little uncomfortable.

JW's performance at last year's Worlds was mediocre and not very old, so it can be said that it is a small transparency among WOC teams around the world.

We've all won the WPL championship in the major region, and of course we can be considered a popular team. Wei Yabai said.

However, the formation of country R is really a bit bigger. Wei Yafeng commented.

In the past, when I participated in competitions in other countries, I had never heard of the news media coming to pick me up.

The e-sports industry in country R has been developing mediocrely. Yu Hao, who has never spoken, said that it should have taken a lot of effort to host the popular league this time, so I think of the maximum publicity role.

Everyone agreed with the captain's statement.

After the plane took off, everyone seized the time to catch up on sleep.

Ah, Team Yu! Yu Hao was looking at his tablet when he was disturbed by a female voice.

Jiang Min beside him was dozing off with his head down, and Yu Hao was afraid of waking him up, so he was very dissatisfied with this sudden voice.

He looked up and saw that the owner of the voice was still an acquaintance.

WPL's new beauty host, Yun Ning.

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