Chapter 47: Training matches are underway

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One of the most important map resources to compete for in WOCis the epic monster in the sinkhole above the river.

At 20 minutes into the game, the first Epic monster will bespawned in the sinkhole, and a random Epic monster will be spawned every 15minutes, and killing it will drop different items or provide different statusbonuses to the team that killed it.

And if the Epic Monster hasn't been killed, it will stay inthe pit.

When the Epic Monster in the sinkhole is a Death Curser, itwill curse the enemy of the team that killed it. Cursed towers will not attack,and creeps will have their health and armor halved;

If the Epic Monster in the pit is the Corrupted Corpse King,the team that kills it will receive the Corpse King's order, and within fiveminutes, there will be the Corpse King's men, and the baby zombies will attackthe enemy center along all paths;

And when the Epic Monster in the pit is the deceased, killingit will drop the Resurrection Essence, and the hero who obtains the Essence canhave a chance to resurrect.

Different Epic monsters fill the battlefield with morevariables. Either way, it's the best of both teams.

All three Epic monsters, without exception, are so powerfulthat a single hero cannot kill them.

Therefore, in order to compete for this important resource,the two teams will inevitably compete near the sinkhole.

And this training match between AFK and PH has come to acritical moment to compete for the first epic monster.

In the early stage, because Jiang Min and DNA did not suffertoo much from the alignment, there was no obvious disadvantage in the upper andlower roads, and the alignment period ended peacefully.

Then it's time to put the team to the test.

The five heroes on both sides slowly began to move closer tothe sinkhole.

At this point, any battle damage has the potential to cause aform of collapse.

Everyone is cautious.

Ring is worried about stealing the epic monster from theother side, and wants to go to the sinkhole to make a view. As a result, heaccidentally moved a position, hit the skill of the opposite No. 3 position,and was taken away by a DNA set.

Now, the front 4V5 is very bad for AFK.

After tugging for a while, PH left the 3 and 5 positionsoutside the pit to defend, and the others went into the pit to fight the epicmonsters.

This time it was the deceased who was refreshed, and if theresurrection essence was obtained by PH, it must be a chance for DNA to beresurrected.

DNA is a player with excellent individual ability, and if heis given a chance to be resurrected, then the pressure on AFK's side in teamfights can be imagined.

AFK knows that this epic blames them for not being able toput.

Can Ring be bought? Jiang Min asked.

It's almost a bit of money! Ring was in a hurry. But hedidn't have enough money to buy it back.

Ah Min, this revenge essence, I don't want to put it. Shu Lousaid in an affirmative tone.

Jiang Min's bird transported the equipment to him, Jiang Min sawthe equipment in the equipment column, and said: Then you guys are guardingoutside, don't move yet, I'll try.

There is no vision in the sinkhole, and everyone doesn't knowhow much HP PH will hit the epic monster.

At this time, rushing in rashly, with one less person, it isvery likely that in exchange for attrition or even group annihilation.

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