Chapter 23: On the eve of a special event

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The live broadcast of the horror game cost Hao Qianyi halfhis life, and he was nervous for the next few days.

The slightest hint of wind and grass is suspicious.

Even the occasional meow of the cat raised at the base canscare him into jumping on the spot.

In this regard, the gold and silver steamed bun brothers andYu Hao showed extreme contempt.

Only the newcomer Jiang Min expressed concern for the mouse.

Hao Qian was also moved to tears, and even treasured it formany years (?) took out all the snacks and shared them with Jiang Min.

He couldn't help but sigh: It's still his sugar god who isthe best!

The days went by, and in the blink of an eye, it was almostChristmas.

Towards the end of each year, major live broadcast platformshave successively planned some special activities to stimulate a wave ofconsumption and attract popularity.

The JJ live streaming platform signed by JW Club is noexception.

Together with their major game streamers and contractedteams, including JW, they planned a special event for the WOC online friendlymatch.

The WOC friendly was attended by six streamers and four prosfrom the four WPL teams that JJ had signed for.

Ten people will be divided into two teams to face off, andthe winning team will receive a special gift from JJ Live.

JJ's game area operations supervisor communicated with eachteam in advance about which player to send from each team.

Since the goal is to attract popularity and attract fans tospend on gifts, it is necessary to choose the player with the highest topicamong each team.

The other teams are all very popular players in the team.

And here in JW, Yu Hao, twin brothers and rats are verypopular, but when JJ Live communicated with the manager, he said that he wantedto choose the cold monster that has been uploaded on Weibo recently.

JW manager Shen Qi showed an embarrassed look and said on thephone: Well, but we haven't made an official announcement yet, and he won'tparticipate in the live broadcast for the time being.

Wouldn't turning on the live broadcast reveal the identity ofthe sugar god? He's the one who wants to win the Breath-Holding Contest!

JW is the most popular team in China, and it took a lot ofmoney and effort for JJ Live to sign a contract with them, so it is natural tofully communicate with JW in terms of event candidates.

JJ's operation director saw that Shen Qi had the intention ofrefusing, and hurriedly said: It's okay, it doesn't matter, he doesn't need tostart the live broadcast, as long as he appears with the name of JW's newmid-list, he can even not speak!

What you want is a gimmick, as for whether Gao Leng Monsterhimself broadcasts this friendly match live, it doesn't really matter, as longas the name is out, naturally some viewers will go to the live broadcast roomof other participants to watch, so the purpose of attracting the audience hasalso been achieved.

Belch... All right. Shen Qi thought for a while, this is agood opportunity to increase JW's exposure, and he is also responsible forsponsors.

The higher the exposure, the happier the fathers will be.

Although they are not short of money. Theoretically, even ifthere are no other sponsors, as long as there is the support of Boss Ji, JW isstill the best team in the league.

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