Chapter 75: Lao Bai left the team

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JW women's live broadcast has set a new high in popularity on the JJ platform since the beginning of the year.

Team JW also won the championship due to the spring final, gaining a large number of new fans.

The value of the team is rising, which should be a good thing for the whole club to celebrate.

However, in the past few days, the club has been gloomy, and there is no atmosphere of a new champion club at all.

The Fortune branch went to country E to participate in the Asian and European League, but Boss Ji, who has never gone out to play with the team, went with him for some reason, and now the manager Shen Qi is sitting in the club.

Shen Qi has been anxious for the past few days, and for the Nth time, he found Bai Yin, the coach of the WOC branch, to talk.

Lao Bai, can't you really hold on a little longer? Shen Qi said in a pleading tone.

Bai Yin shook his head helplessly: It's not that I don't want to insist, it's that my body really doesn't allow it.

A few days after the spring duel, Bai Yin expressed his intention to leave the team, saying that he could not continue to accompany the team due to physical reasons.

What exactly is the reason? Shen Qi couldn't help but ask, this season we won the championship of the Spring Finals, according to the situation of the points competition, we only need to win a top two in the next sub-competition to enter the World Championship, why should you give up halfway through such a good start?

Bai Yin's face was heavy: I also want to go to the world championship with my children, and even have a dream of becoming a world champion, but I really can't put it off any longer.

Shen Qi looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

Bai Yin seemed to have made a decision, and sighed: Old Shen, we have been together for many years, and I won't hide it from you. I went to the body a few months ago and was diagnosed with a tumour in my lungs and the doctor advised me to have surgery immediately, but it was just after the spring season and I couldn't leave the club behind.

Shen Qi gasped: Tumor!?

Bai Yin: A few days ago, I went for a follow-up, and the doctor said that it can't be delayed any longer, early detection and early treatment, while there is no metastasis, there is still salvation, and if it is delayed, I may have to go to see Lord Hades.

Shen Qi was silent.

Bai Yin usually doesn't smoke or drink, except for staying up late for work, he has no other bad habits, how could he get such a disease?

Shen Qi's mouth opened, and he couldn't say anything after all.

In this case, he couldn't express anything but comforting words.

Because of Bai Yin's situation, he can't do anything.

All I can do is pray for Bai Yin as much as I can.

... When is I admitted? Shen Qi asked. Just this week. Bai Yin smiled bitterly, so I'm sorry, but I have to leave. The race in country R is just around the corner, and I will never be able to resume until then. There is still some time before the game, and I will find a way to find the right person to take over as coach.

Just after the spring final, the transfer period opened, and JW has a lot of money, so he will definitely be able to dig up a suitable coach.

Bai Yin thought so.

Oh yes, old Shen, don't tell the team what I'm sick with, I don't want them to worry. Bai Yin said, just tell them that I left the team because of physical reasons.

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