Chapter 100: Finals (2)

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Hello viewers, Tune in to the final game of the WOC Pro League S7 World Finals, which will be the focus of this year's season championship between our WPL JW team and the defending champion NG team. Uncle Yuan was wearing a very formal suit, wearing a red tie, holding his glasses, and said.

The final commentator was the unstoppable WPL golden partner trio.

These three have been partners for a long time, have rich experience, cooperate tacitly, and the commentary is humorous and interesting, which is the representative commentary of the WPL region.

Especially Uncle Yuan, who has almost witnessed the history of WPL growth, has also commented many games in the WOC Pro League Finals, including the finals.

To be honest, he was very nervous.

There's nothing more exhilarating than personally commenting on a WPL team's championship-winning game.

However, his hopes have been disappointed for many years.

This year, I wonder if there is hope?

Lack was also wearing a suit of almost the same color as Uncle Yuan, and the tie was yellow, he straightened his tie, obviously a little nervous, and said: As we all know, JW is a very young team, and the oldest player is the Zhongshan Sugar God, right?

Ruby was wearing a black cheongsam with gold thread, and it seemed that in order to support JW, she wore a cheongsam that had a similar effect to JW's uniform: yes. The average age of the team members is around 20 years old, which is about three or four years younger than the average age of NG.

Uncle Yuan: NG was almost invincible all the way, and JW, as we know, was almost eliminated in the group stage, and it was not easy to play all the way. However, no one knows what the outcome will be until the last minute, so we are still looking forward to this game.

Ruby: That's right, the trophy is close at hand, it's up to the JW players and coaches to perform!

Inside the match room.

While Jiang Min was debugging his equipment, he didn't glance at the NG team members in the battle room, and the main target was Pepper.

There are very few professional players who play mid laner who don't aim for Pepper.

Jiang Min is no exception.

Even though he has gained enough fame and recognition in the WPL region, in the world, Pepper thinks that his popularity is far behind.

Although it is not as big as the gap between the top big stars and the 18th tier small stars, the supporters are definitely 9:1.

Looking at the entire stadium, there were only a few flags of country Z waving, and most of them were unfamiliar white faces cheering for the local team NG of country M.

As the absolute hegemon of the North American region and the defending champion, NG's popularity in country M has peaked, and most of the people who come to watch the game are NG fans.

Seeing such a situation, Jiang Min had the real feeling that he was really fighting in a foreign country.

In the previous knockout stages, it was too focused on the game itself and ignored the surrounding environment, but today it seems that it is really a big scene.

This venue.... Let's not say 30,000 or 40,000 people... It was packed.

Through the battle room and soundproof headphones, you can still faintly hear the shouts outside, so you can imagine how loud the audience is.

Sugar Candy, what's wrong? Yu Hao found that after Jiang Min had debugged the equipment, he was in a daze looking at the battle room opposite.

Well? Jiang Min came back to his senses, it's nothing, I'm just thinking.... If I beat Pepper today, I can count on my dream as a reality.

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