Chapter 50: On the eve of the season

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Yu's mother was shocked.

What? My son has a daughter-in-law?

Yu's mother, who knew her son's sexuality, naturally knewthat the daughter-in-law in her son's mouth must be a boy.

After the son revealed his sexuality to them, he neverrevealed who he liked.

Now, suddenly there is a daughter-in-law?

Yu Hao looked at his mother's surprised expression, andhurriedly said: "I'm not my daughter-in-law yet, so I have to hurry!"What if it flies! I finally got into a club!

When Yu's mother heard this, she said: A club? Are you also apro?

Yu Hao nodded: Hmm! He's a great player, and I adore him, andI'm just playing professionally because I saw him play!

Yu Mu pondered for a while.

I can make my son, who was not interested in anything before,devote himself to the e-sports career desperately, and the person my son likesshould be quite good...

By the way, Mom, I'll show you a picture of him! Yu Haoremembered something, and quickly took out his mobile phone and flipped up thephoto.

Originally, he didn't want to expose Jiang Min so early, butnow he changed his attention.

Because Yu Hao knows very well that his mother is a seniorface control.

Back then, it was also because I took a fancy to my father'sskin, so I chased after it hard.

As a result, I didn't expect that the two were quitecompatible, respected and loved each other, and they had been like glue for somany years.

Showing Jiang Min's photos to his mother will definitely addpoints to Jiang Min's impression in his mother's heart, so that he gave upcelebrating the Spring Festival with his family for love, It should beunderstandable, right?

Otherwise, let Shu Lou and Jiang Min celebrate the SpringFestival together, I don't know what will happen!

Yu Hao carefully selected and chose a makeup photo of JiangMin last season.

In the photo, Jiang Min is still wearing a CC team uniform,his black hair is slightly curly by the stylist, his skin is fair, he islooking at the camera, his hands are hollow together, his fingers are touchingtogether, his index finger is on his lips, and his eyes are sharp and clear.

Underneath the photograph, in front of the portrait, isprinted with a line of words.


Yu's mother looked at the photo in the mobile phone handedover by Yu Hao, and her eyes lit up: Ouch, the young man is very good-looking.

Yu Hao looked proud: That is, will the person your son fancybe bad?

Yu Mu noticed the line of words in the photo: CC.Lollipop,this CC is the name of the team, right? Is Lollipop a career ID? Lollipop...It's pretty cute haha.

Well, Lollipop is a career ID. Mom, you can go and search onthe Internet, he's very famous. Yu Hao boasted to his mother.

But this CC is thename of the team, right? I remember you were... JW? You're not on the same team? Yu'smother paid attention to the point.

Mom, that's why I just told you, I finally got on the sameteam, and he just transferred to us not long ago.

Oh~ Yu Mu nodded, that's a good opportunity... But the pointis, do you know what you're thinking? What if people aren't bent?

I don't know yet, but if you don't work hard, you don't knowif you can do it. Yu Hao said frankly, I won't regret it if I haven't caught upwith him after my efforts, and if his orientation is different, then I won'tbother him again.

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