Chapter 51: Makeup photo shoot

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Jiang Min still has a sense of strangeness when he sees hisname on the team uniform.

He is still Xi seeing his ID on CC's blue and white jersey.

The Lolllipop printed on the back of the black and goldjersey is not what he remembers.

After Jiang Min got the team uniform and tried it on, Shen Qiwas full of praise for the effect of the team uniform.

The black base and gold embroidered team uniform revealed amysterious and noble feeling, which made Jiang Min more tall and handsome.

Even if Jiang Min himself has always had a regret, that is,his height stopped at 179, which is only one step away from 180.

Thinking of this, Jiang Min glanced at Yu Hao.

The height of the team of 186 is really enviable.

Although the club has deep pockets, but the money-savingmaniac · Manager Shen rubbed his hands and said: It seems that thereis no need to find a model for this season's team uniforms! Take more photoswhen the sugar god takes makeup photos, let's choose them and put them directlyin the official store as a model picture!

Shen Qi, who can save a sum of money and save the cost ofmodeling, really wants to give himself a thumbs up.

However, after this proposal was heard by the team membersnext to them, the death trio led by Hao Qianyi rose up to resist.

What do you mean, Brother Chi? Although I admit that thesugar god is handsome, but you can't discriminate against our appearance,right!? Hao Qianye even stroked the broken hair on his forehead, showing hischarm.

Of course, it's the self-righteous charm.

You call it cute, not handsome. Don't you notice that you'rethe biggest fan of moms in the team? Don't you have a few counts in mind? Everyday, the twin brothers don't complain about Hao Qianyi, and they seem to beuncomfortable, Wei Yabai said on the side.

Hao Qianyi: What? Are you two with me? Isn't the focus of ourdiscussion on differential treatment?

The daily infighting of the trio to the death.

Oh yes, manager, we want to take a model photo shoot too.With such a beautiful team uniform, we wanted to advertise it to the fansourselves. The twin brothers said in unison.

Shen Qi sighed.

To be honest, JW's players are indeed not low-looking.

There is no problem with using it as a model for the officialstore.

But the problem is, they don't cooperate.

It's embarrassing to make a move, and the body is stiff andthe expression is very uncomfortable, how can you be a model who shows off theteam uniform well?

The sugar god is different.

According to Shen Qi's observation of Jiang Min's previousmakeup photos, he found that the sugar god's makeup photos were all taken verywell.

Handsome and natural, pleasing to the eye.

It can be inferred from this that the sugar god should bequite smooth and cooperative in taking makeup photos.

Therefore, it is probably not a problem to choose a fewphotos to be used as models for the official store.

I don't care~ manager, I want to be a model too! I'm going totake a picture with the sugar god! Hao Qian also continued to protest.

The twin brothers also chimed in: yes, we also want to take apicture with the sugar god.

Why don't you take makeup photos with the sugar god? Shen Qiwas speechless.

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