Chapter 52: When others touch the fish, you touch the kun

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The team's makeup photos were taken.

The next step was to arrange an additional model shoot.

The trio who had jumped out of the way and said that they hadto shoot a model picture before, but when it came time to shoot, they were allkinds of uncomfortable.

Taking pictures is a very physically demanding thing, theyare going to stiffen in a pose, their faces are going to cramp with laughter,and the shooting is not over yet.

The Death Trio regrets the act of taking a model picture ofDead Skin's face in the first place.

If I could travel back, I would like to slap myself in theface.

Fortunately, there is a firm belief that supports Hao Qianyito persevere.

That is, a photo with the sugar god!

However, when he finally finished this round of filming andwas about to invite the sugar god to shoot the next group, he found that thecaptain was already waiting on the side with the sugar god's shoulder.

At this time, the field staff of the photography studioclapped their hands: the double photo of Team Yu and the sugar god is the lastgroup, the time is not early, everyone hold on.

Hao Qian was also stunned: What? The last group? He hasn'tshot with the sugar god yet!

He hurriedly ran to ask the photographer: Big brother, I alsowant to take a set of double photos with the sugar god, can you?

The photographer shook his head: time is running out, aftershooting you, the next team will be there soon.

He looked at the watch on his wrist, and then said: There isstill about half an hour, hurry up~

The latter sentence was said to the staff present.

Hao Qianyi is also petrochemical.

He fought for the opportunity to shoot model pictures, andthe most important thing was to take a set of double photos with the sugar god.

Now, not only did my wish come to naught, but I also felt assore as if I had been beaten because of the model shooting.

Why can the captain take a double photo with the sugar god?Hao Qian also turned his head and questioned Shen Qi again.

Manager Shen said calmly: He is the captain.

Manager Shen, Boss Ji's top licking dog, As one of the fewpeople in the club who knows that Yu Hao is Boss Ji's cousin, he must open theback door to the boss's cousin's request.

Yu Hao just privately told him that he wanted to take adouble picture with Jiang Min and didn't want others to take pictures, andManager Shen instantly agreed.

It's not a big deal, it's just being attacked and treateddifferently by the other three members of the WOC division.

Anyway, he has long been Xi to the verbal resistance of thedead trio, and it doesn't matter if there is more of this thing.

So, Yu Hao and Jiang Min came to the background board.

After changing a few positions to shoot, Yu Hao chose a photoof him and Jiang Min sitting on a chair, looking at the camera in front of him,he held Jiang Min's shoulder, and both of them were laughing, and secretlyasked the photographer to save it.

In the photo, his smile is very bright, and Jiang Min's smileis restrained.

If you change the background to red, you can probably use itas a wedding photo.

Yu Hao's heart was full of joy, and he thought that he wouldwash out this photo and put it in the room after he went back.

The whole shooting program ended.

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