Chapter 8: One person brushes three ways, and the group has 0 output

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Jiang Min lined up into the game.

This time, he chose the Templars.

Although the Templar was called a knight, he was not a meatcore, unlike the knights who were usually used to play the number 3 position.

On the contrary, he prefers high explosives and high output,and he is also a small crispy himself, usually playing the No. 2 position.

He was more of an assassin than a knight.

In the middle lane, the SOLO battle with Jiang Min is thetraditional melee type mid-laner Thunder Swordmaster.

In the WOC map, there is a river in the middle of the lane,and in this world, different terrain is set to have different effects onmovement speed, and the river channel will cause the hero's flexibility todecrease.

The two melee mid-rangers met, both with their feet in themiddle of the river, testing each other across the lane.

The attack power of these two heroes in the early stage isabout the same, and what they fight for is the basic knife foundation andreaction speed.

Jiang Min is naturally not afraid to face passers-by,otherwise where will his professional player's face go.

The Thunder Juggernaut was about to replenish his arms whenthe Templars froze in place with a stun beam in hand.

Then the Templars quickly stepped forward and slashed a fewtimes, incidentally compensating for the soldiers in front of the ThunderSwordmaster, and then took advantage of the fact that the opponent had justwoken up, and swished back behind his own troops.

The attack power of the creeps in the early stage is stillvery impressive, and there is no way for any hero to easily pass the creeps anddamage the enemy hero.

The advantage of the line was slowly established, and JiangMin slowly felt that the situation in this game was becoming clearer.

As long as he doesn't waste and his teammates don't send him,he still has a great chance of winning.

But he forgot that he was in a single row.

The single-row curse that is likely to be targeted by snipersis still very smart.

Sure enough, the middle lane only had an advantage for a fewminutes, and the enemy's No. 3 and No. 4 positions simply gave up the soldierson the line and came directly to encircle and suppress him.

Jiang Min reflexively twisted out the control skill of theNo. 4 position, but was beaten by the No. 3 position with a set of blood.

However, he did not panic in the slightest.

Pull away from the distance, move to dodge the opponent's No.3 pulling skill, and then slash one after another with the Holy Light Stun, andthen make up a few flat A's, killing the No. 3 position where the opponent'sblood volume was not very healthy when he came to support, and then splashedwith the hero's passive skill, and at the same time took away the crispy No. 4position.

Although he killed two people one after another, Jiang Min'sown blood volume was about to bottom out, and he could only temporarily retractunder the tower when the enemy's mid-laner was still chasing and killing.

At this time, the other party saw that he only had a trace ofblood, and he was on his head, and he insisted on crossing the tower to killpeople.

Jiang Min immediately reflexed, gave the opponent a blow ofholy light stun, and stunned him under the tower, relying on the tower's highdamage to the hero in the early game, the Thunder Sword Master fell under thetower.

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