Chapter 98: Sister-in-law is awesome!

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Puff Jiang Min was drinking water to moisten his throat just after eating sugar, and he almost didn't spray on the screen in one bite.

Sugar God? The others in the training room looked at him strangely.

Jiang Min rarely has such a gaffe move, which is why it is so eye-catching.

It's okay, it's okay, choke. Jiang Min coughed and waved his hand, so that everyone did not have to worry.

, fortunately with headphones, otherwise the sister-in-law would have been heard by others, and it would have been shocking.

No, what do you call me? Jiang Min finally recovered, a little confused.

Sister-in-law! On the other end of the voice, Yu Ning is innocent, Sugar God, you are with my brother, isn't it my sister-in-law!

....... Jiang Min was speechless for a while.

He turned his head to look at Yu Hao's reaction and found that the guy was actually laughing.

How do you know? Yu Hao saw Jiang Min staring at him, coughed dryly, put away his smile, and asked.

He and Jiang Min had agreed a long time ago that they would not expose their relationship in front of their teammates until the time was ripe.

After all, not everyone can accept their relationship.

It's hard to say how your teammates reacted.

It's a crucial stage in the Worlds, and it's clearly not a good time to make the relationship public.

I heard you talk to your mom on the phone that day, and I guessed it! Yu Ning made no secret of it.

.... Feelings: Are you eavesdropping on my phone call with my mother? Yu Hao raised his eyebrows, this is not a good behavior.

Yu Ning hurriedly snorted: Oops, that's not the point. The point is that today you and your sister-in-law finally have time to take me, take me to the top brother!

Jiang Min still felt uncomfortable with that sister-in-law.

But since he promised to accompany Yu Hao to take his younger brother to play a few fights, he could only go on.

The trio lined up and quickly got into the game.

Yu Ning is a 3000-point fishpond player, who has been swimming in fishponds for many years and has never broken through.

No matter how small Yu Hao and Jiang Min's numbers are, they are also 5,000 points.

But this is the number with the lowest score they can find, and they can barely form a line with Yu Ning.

As soon as they entered the game, the other two teammates on their side immediately cheered when they saw that there were two 5,000-point gods on their side.

[It's steady! Labor and management finally don't have to kneel! The great god takes me! 】

For 3,000 points fish pond players, 5,000 points is already out of reach.

[Is the great god still missing a leg pendant? ] I want to have a thigh strap too! 】

[The two gods should be girls! ] Envy QAQ]

The teammates were too lively, and the two kept typing on the team channel. A-Ning, what do you choose? Yu Hao didn't reply to the two particularly active teammates and asked Yu Ning.

Not..... Since my sister-in-law is here, I'll play the No. 1 position! Yu Ning said confidently, I want to show the whole audience with my sister-in-law!

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