Chapter 70: JW VS AFK (3)

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The Elemental Elf, a hero who has been absent from the game for a long time, has not been able to play even after the skill CD has been nerfed.

The last time he appeared on the field, it was a moth routine in the European division.

And more than half a year has passed since that time.

In order, the last to lock the hero is the No. 5 auxiliary Wei Yafeng.

After all the heroes have been chosen, the players will exchange heroes with each other according to their positions.

Wei Yafeng listened to Yu Hao's words, and the mouse was placed on the luminous body, and the hero lit up.

Jiang Min looked at the glowing avatar of the elemental spirit that had not yet been locked on the screen, and felt as if it was also calling for himself.

This is his famous hero, who accompanied him when he was young, and who also used his men to kill all sides in the ring.

But due to the version, Jiang Min hasn't used this old friend in the arena for almost a year and a half.

The Elemental Elves are very good heroes and are very difficult.

There are many high-level games in the passerby game that are still used in the rankings, and other professional players occasionally show off their hands.

However, no matter how many people who use elemental elves very well, when it comes to elemental elves, the first person that comes to mind for WPL audiences is Jiang Min.

When JW's last hero chose to reveal the elemental spirit in the broadcast game screen, the audience boiled.

The other four positions have already been chosen, and only the No. 2 position in the middle laner remains.

Therefore, the audience understands that this is the signature skill of the sugar god, and it is also a hero who has not appeared for a long time.

Before the second game even began, the atmosphere had reached a peak.

JW lights up the Elemental Elf! We also all know that the Elemental Elves have a very low playtime rate after being nerfed, and they are hardly seen. But it is also the signature hero of the single sugar god in JW, will JW lock it? Ruby couldn't hide her excitement.

Although, as a commentary, she doesn't favor any one team when she works.

But she herself is a typical sugar blow, and she is also broadcast live on the JJ live broadcast platform, and she often praises Jiang Min for her grandeur during the live broadcast.

As a long-time fan, Ruby naturally knows how important the elemental elves are to Jiang Min.

On the one hand, she is looking forward to seeing the Sugar God's signature hero again in the arena, but on the other hand, she is worried that the elemental elves who are not strong in the current version will be blown up.

After all, Flow, who is on the opposite line with Jiang Min, is not an idle person. JW's lineup is still relatively solid, the No. 3 centaur has a sudden face, the No. 1 star swordsman is not weak on the line, and the No. 4 spell wizard has enough control and has great variables, it depends on how the team operates. Uncle Yuan analyzed the lineup from a rational point of view, and with such a lineup, the choice of elemental elves in the middle lane should not be too miserable.

Dark Dance is a strong midlaner in the version, and is not on the same level as the weakened elemental spirits.

Therefore, Uncle Yuan also predicted that the online elemental elves should be suppressed.

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