Chapter 34: Fish are sticky

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Lu Huai and Ji Xiuyan left first, and the trio of the WOCbranch of the JW Club put on masks and slowly swayed to the door of theInternet café.

At this moment, a dull rumble of rolling thunder came.

Hey, it's not going to rain, is it? We didn't bringumbrellas. Hao Qianyi stood at the door and looked at the night sky.

His crow's mouth was as if it had been opened, and as soon ashe finished speaking, the rain began to fall.

At first, it was just a few drops, and after a while, itturned into a pouring rain.

The rain on the island comes and goes as fast as it comes.

Belch.... Hao Qian was speechless, praying in his heart thatthe captain would not blame him for the rain, and said weakly, "What, whydon't we go back and fight a few more?"

He asked the service staff of the Internet café, and theInternet café also did not have umbrella lending services, so it seemed that hehad to wait for the rain to stop before leaving.

Yu Hao didn't say anything, just took Jiang Min and turnedaround and returned to the Internet café.

The girl at the front desk of the Internet café was surprisedto find that the people from the JW team who had just left had returned.

She had wondered why the pros, who usually broadcast untilthe wee hours of the morning, had left so early.

Let's open a private room. Yu Hao said.

Ah, uh! Good! The girl was stunned for a while, and then usedthe computer to look it up.

Oops, sorry, the private room is full. The girl said with anapologetic expression.

Well? Didn't we just get off the plane? What about thatprivate room just now? Hao Qian also asked.

Sister, I'm sorry: Our business is relatively good at thispoint, and someone was waiting for the private room before you left. So you getoff the plane, clean up a little, and someone goes in.

Okay... Hao Qian is also lost, so is there any other machine?

Hao Qianyi's game addiction is really big.

Even though he has made gaming his profession, his passionfor gaming remains undiminished.

Well, if you want three seats, there is still a place in thehigh-end area. The girl glanced at the information on the computer and said.

Okay, let's open three. Yu Hao said.

After turning on the machine, the three of them came to thehigh-end area and sat down.

The Internet café at this time is very lively, and there arealmost no empty seats.

It's good luck to have exactly three seats.

However, although there were many people in the Internetcafé, everyone was wearing headphones and focusing on their screens, and no onenoticed the three professional players of Team JW. They also got too hot andtook off their masks.

As a popular player in today's game market, WOC is naturallyvery popular in Internet cafes.

As far as the eye can see, most people are playing WOC, andthe people around the JW trio are no exception.

Alas, alas! Row eyes! What to do!

Point him! Point him! He's not big!


The sound of WOC players communicating with each other waseverywhere.

The seating arrangement of the JW trio is still Jiang Minsitting in the middle, and Hao Qianyi and Yu Hao are sitting on both sides.

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