Chapter 32: Fortune Adventures (1)

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Since Hao Qianyi proposed to go to the Internet café, he musthave prepared in advance.

He found an internet café not far from the hotel where he wasstaying.

Among their group, except for Ji Xiuyan, the boss of JW whorarely shows his face, everyone else is a regular visitor to the variousarenas.

If you enter an Internet café like this, it will inevitablyattract the attention of a lot of gamers.

Then their leisure time will be wasted.

So, a few people wearing masks quickly asked for afive-person private room at the front desk, and slipped in as quickly aspossible.

Mom, going to an Internet café is like being a thief. HaoQian also took off his mask and randomly selected a machine in the room.

Just now, the little girl at the front desk took a look atthese people, even though the other party was wearing a mask, but as a WPLdie-hard fan, she still recognized at a glance that this was the No. 3 and No.4 positions of the JW team, as well as the new sugar god who joined JW.

Fortunately, the other guests at the Internet café wereconcentrating on playing games and did not pay attention to the situation atthe front desk.

Hao Qian also used his trick to sell cuteness, asking theyoung lady not to expose them here, and by the way, he gave the young lady anautograph.

The girl at the front desk didn't shout out excitedly.

I didn't expect to meet the members of the JW team in such asmall Internet café as H Island!

For the first time, the girl felt so happy to be the frontdesk of an Internet café.

Smoothly entered the private room for five people, andseveral people sat down separately.

The machine in the room is circled around the tropicaldecorations in the middle, Jiang Min is still sitting between Yu Hao and HaoQianyi, and Boss Ji and Lu Huai are sitting together.

The seats for five people are exactly in a circle.

After turning on the phone, everyone clicked on the Fortuneicon.

Do you have a Fortune account? Yu Hao suddenly rememberedthis question.

In my impression, I have never seen Jiang Min play a WOCunexpected game during the live broadcast, and I don't know if I need toregister an account.

I have. Jiang Min skillfully entered the account password andlogged in to the Forutne account that he had not been able to use for a longtime.

Yu Hao leaned over curiously, and when he saw it, a mouthfulof old blood almost didn't spurt out.

Jiang Min's score is much higher than him, and he looks likea veteran.

Tangtang, how did you get such a high score?

Just, play once in a while.

Yu Hao lost to Jiang Min's talent for play.

I thought that tonight was a good opportunity for him to showhis strength, and he could show off in front of Jiang Min and be handsome.

Unexpectedly, his score was much higher than his.

What's going on? Chilled salad! Just ask yourself not to dragsugar back. Ji Xiuyan was so nervous that he entered the account number in hismemory on the login interface, and glanced at Lu Huai with slanted eyes, theother party was also logging in to the account, and he didn't seem to noticehis side.

After all five people landed, Hao Qianyi built a team andpulled everyone into the room.

Fortune is a 5-player FPS game, and like many chickenshooters, the map will be constantly brushed in circles, close to 100 playerswill form their own squads, fight each other, and the last team will be thewinner.

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