Chapter 53: Spring Season Opener (1)

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The legendary figure who has been the No. 1 player in thenational server for a long time and is highly respected by WPL players is aprofessional player named Yan Junying who has been retired for two years.

Even though he's been out of the ring for two years andhasn't made a public appearance, his ID, the legend of Chaos, has always beenknown.

There is no shortage of talent in esports.

Chaos is one of those players.

Like Xiao Nan, Chaos also moved to WOC from other MOBA games.

He had been active as a professional player for three yearsbefore becoming a professional player in the WPL.

He was once considered the top No. 2 player in the WPL andthe top C in China.

Since his debut, he has competed in numerous worldchampionships with the team.

Their team has won several first prizes in the national andglobal championship competitions.

He has also come close to the supreme trophy several times.

For Chaos, it's just one World Championship away fromreaching a Grand Slam.

However, esports also has too many problems.

Even though Chaos was such a genius, so good, he stillcouldn't lead the team to a World Championship.

Later, due to injuries and age, Chaos announced hisretirement after playing in the final four of his last World Series.

During the time Choas retired, there were many WPL fans whokept him on Weibo.

Everyone thought that Chaos could play again, and they werereluctant to let such a talent disappear from the professional scene.

However, Chaos was very resolute in his idea of retiring, andafter ending his contract with the club, he resolutely did not renew hiscontract or sign with another club, but retired directly.

In the e-sports circle, whether it is the anchor,commentator, player, or staff, they are all expressing their regret andblessings to Chaos in their own ways.

And Chaos' retirement is a real disappearance from theesports circle.

Except for the usual encounters in the qualifying round, hehardly communicates with anyone in the circle, and only a few people who have agood relationship in his career can contact him.

In an ordinary apartment in City D.

The man under thirty years old sat in front of the computer,smoking a cigarette and a scruffy beard, staring at the computer screen infront of him.

On the screen, there is the settlement page of the game justnow.

The man seems to have not taken care of himself for a longtime, his bangs are almost covering his eyes, he is casually wearing dark homeclothes, and he sits on a chair with his legs crossed.

The man highlighted a circle of smoke and slid his mouse tothe checkout page, opposite the mid-order information page.

This person who replaced him to the top of the nationalservice, he didn't know who he was because he hadn't had an in-depthunderstanding of the e-sports circle for a long time.

Many people who know the WPL in general are unaware of theplayer's private account.

Because some players will use the competition account to playranking, but there are also people like Jiang Min who use their own account toplay.

Men have been out of the WPL for a long time, and it's normalnot to know the qualifying game IDs of active pros.

is obviously less than 30 years old, and it may still be thebackbone of other places, but when it comes to e-sports, it is already asunset.

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