Chapter 45: AFK routines are deep

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As soon as Jiang Min parked the car, he saw Shu Lou followingRing, and quickly ran to the door of the villa to pick him up.

Sugar God, Sugar God, this side~~ Ring waved happily.

Shu Lou also changed his mournful appearance in the past andgreeted him with a smile.

In Shu Lou's style, smiling means that he is very happy atthis time.

Jiang Min's intuition told him that these two people were soenthusiastic, I was afraid that something was wrong.

On the surface, he still looked calm and walked to the doorof the villa.

Amin, there is no traffic jam on the road, right? Shu Loubegan to greet him first.

Well, it's okay.

Sugar God, long time no see! Young boy Ring smiled and showeda row of white teeth.

The two escorted Jiang Min all the way to the training roomof AFK's WOC branch.

It's not the first time Jiang Min has come to the AFK base,and he used to come to the door at the invitation of Shu Lou.

But this time, I always felt that something was wrong.

As soon as they entered the training room, the other AFK teammembers were very friendly enough to greet Jiang Min.

Including AFK's coach and assistant coach, they usually siton the chair and wave their hands, but today they actually stood up and greetedhim at the door.

The more Jiang Min thought about it, the more he felt thatsomething was not right.

To be reasonable, a training match, Ring is not so nervousthat he needs to come and watch the game in person to cheer him on.

Moreover, just sitting in the back and watching the battledidn't make any real difference, so why did Shu Lou and Ring insist on invitinghim so hard?

It wasn't until he saw Flow, who was pale and languishing inhis seat, that the answer was about to come out.

Ah, Sugar God, you're here~ Flow looks sick.

He's clearly not in the right state.

It's about to be a training match with the Korean strong teamPH, how can Flow, one of AFK's double Cs, look like he's missing half a life?

Network testing is no problem, right? Finally, we made anappointment for a training match, and we couldn't afford to have problems withthe internet speed. The assistant coach said to the equipment support staff.

The other party made an OK gesture.

The biggest concern for cross-border training matches isnetwork latency.

However, professional players often go to the waifu to playin the ranks to practice their hands, so this is not a decisive factor.

The most important problem for AFK to solve at the momentis...

🔥 What'sgoing on? Jiang Min frowned and said with concern.

Most of the professional players in the WPL league have agood relationship with each other, and although they usually kill mercilesslyon the field, they still have good friendships in private.

WPL is a family. Therefore, although it is a training matchbetween AFK and PH, Jiang Min still hopes that AFK can win in his heart. It'sjust that their mid-list looks really uncomfortable.

Oh, it's been a day since I ate a bad stomach. AFK coachreplied.

Well? Jiang Min was confused, so how would he play thetraining match later?

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