Chapter 16: Welcome to JW

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Ji Xiuyan was so frightened in the office that he almostdidn't sit on the ground all of a sudden.

I knew that his cousin often let himself go, but he didn'twaste it on the first day of his new teammates' arrival!

[Don't mess aroundwhen you step on a horse! What should I do if I buy a mid-laner that labor andmanagement buy, and you get it before you play a game? I'm not going to die! 】

Although buying Jiang Min is Yu Hao's strong request, to alarge extent, Ji Xiuyan's sky-high price to buy the new mid-laner is also tomeet his cousin's wishes, but as the team owner, he still expects JW to playwell. Otherwise, he would have lost a lot of money by spending so much money!

[Where do you wantto go, what do you mean? 】

[You dare to say that you don't think so??? Boss Ji knowsvery well the little Jiujiu in his cousin's heart.

[Come to think ofit, the time has not yet come.] Am I the kind of person who is strong? 】

【.... Resemble. 】

[Shut up, you. Meand my sugar candy are really just lying in bed. 】

The boss who is so fierce by his own team members may be theonly one in the whole league, Ji Xiuyan.

Boss Ji felt extremely aggrieved.

Let's ask which team boss is as miserable as him, and he iscalled around by his team members.

[I'll talk about it in the afternoon, I'll rest with my sugarcandy for a while. When Yu Hao sent this sentence, he no longer paid attentionto Ji Xiuyan.

Boss Ji really wants to look up to the sky and roar: Who isthe boss of JW! And there are no human rights anymore!


Jiang Min woke up, fumbled on the bed for a while, touchedhis mobile phone, and looked at the time, it was not yet 12 o'clock.

I only fell asleep for a while, but it felt like a long timehad passed.

However, after taking the medicine and resting for a while,it was not so uncomfortable.

After staring at the phone screen for a while, Jiang Min noticedthat there was another person lying on his bed.

Sugar Candy, are you awake? Yu Hao and Jiang Min shared a bedfor the first time, and they were excited, so naturally they didn't fallasleep.

He supported his head with his arms and looked at Jiang Minon his side: Are you better?

Jiang Min's mind was still a little unconscious, and henodded stunned.

This is also the first time he has slept in the same bed withsomeone else, and he didn't react for a while.

Although he still took the initiative to invite.

Yu Hao naturally touched Jiang Min's forehead with his hand,it was not hot, it seemed that the fever had subsided.

Well, it's not burning anymore. He put his mind at ease.

It's almost time for dinner, should you go to the cafeteriaor will I serve you the food? Yu Hao sat up, greedy for Jiang Min's breath, buthis self-control still made him calm down quickly.

It's still early, can't rush.

Let's go to the cafeteria. Jiang Min also sat up and strokedthe few strands of hair on his forehead that blocked his eyes.

These few movements stunned Yu Hao.

I used to think that Tangtang was good-looking, but it waseven worse to look at it up close.

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