Chapter 15: I slept with my wife

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After Jiang Min left CC, CC made an announcement on theofficial blog on the same day.

It is to the effect that Jiang Min has left the team, but thecontent of the announcement is ambiguous, without explaining the reason, andwithout telling Jiang Min where he went, just wishing each other well.

The moment Weibo was posted, CC's official blog fell.

Countless question marks appeared in the comment section.

【??? No one reallythinks that the sugar god is not the thigh of the team, right? 】

【??? Letting go of thethighs, what kind of operation are you guys? 】

【??? Ready to hit thestreets next season? 】

Netizen comments remain unanimous??? Formation.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who areagainst the public, thinking that Jiang Min is doing well, and CC will bebetter if he doesn't eat resources.

When this kind of remark appeared, other netizens jumped outto argue about resources, saying that Jiang Min was one of the most stable midlaners in terms of horizontal performance.

The two sides fought fiercely in the underground of the CCofficial blog.

There are also people who point to the official blog andscold, spitting that the announcement is not clear, and they don't even make itclear why they left the team and where they went.

In this regard, CC's official blogger can't say anything.

It's not that she deliberately wrote the announcement likethis, but the boss told her to do it.

The reason for leaving the team is not indicated, and manypeople in CC know it.

Obviously, Boss Lin took the initiative to sell Jiang Minduring the contract protection period, how can this behavior, which isessentially a violation of the contract between the player and the club, bewidely publicized?

did not explain Jiang Min's whereabouts, it was Ji Xiuyan whoasked Lin Hong to do that.

JW wants to keep Jiang Min's joining a secret for the timebeing.

The reason is surprisingly simple.

JW's team manager Shen Qi rubbed his hands excitedly and saidthat JW has not changed its team members for a long time, especially since theestablishment of the WOC branch, it has always been a partner of these people.Finally caught a player transferring, he must win the championship of thebreath-holding competition!

The Breath-Holding Contest is the time for each club tosecretly compete in the transfer period to announce the change of personnel,and the winner is the latest to be announced.

Of course, there is no reward for the winner, and it is noteven known how this boring game was launched.

However, various clubs are very enthusiastic about thiscompetition between official blogs in the offseason, and Shen Qi wanted toparticipate several times, but the club did not give him a chance.

Therefore, he specifically asked Boss Ji not to let CCannounce Jiang Min's whereabouts, so that he could have a chance to win thebreath-holding competition.

Due to the above reasons, CC's official Bo Niang issued thisvague announcement in accordance with the instructions of her superiors.

This announcement not only caused a stir among WOC fans, butalso the entire WPL professional circle.


Team OVO, CC's arch-enemy, has fought CC several times.

At this time, their captain Cen Yu, the No. 4 player known asthe Jade God, was frantically shaking the manager's collar: Ahhhhhh it! Thesugar god has left! it! Did you become a free man or go to another club? Youstepped on a horse, but let me know clearly!

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