Chapter 27: Horror Game Live 2.0

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The members of JW heard about the team building from themouth of the team leader, Fan Dadi.

Hao Qianyi also looked disgusted: Cut~ What's so fun on theisland, go with the two SB of gold and silver steamed buns, I might as wellplay games at the base.

There is no doubt that he was then beaten by the brothers ofthe gold and silver steamed buns.

Well? Wait a minute! Hao Qianyi resisted, and at the sametime remembered something: The sugar god is also going, right?

Jiang Min nodded: Yes.

The first team building after joining JW, of course, hewanted to participate.

It's just that in the past, in CC team building or something,at most, it was to pull everyone to a playground or team building park near SCity to play for a day, and like JW, he pulled the whole club to go to theisland for a vacation, which was too much.

Sugar God, then I have to go! Go, go, go! Must go! Hao Qianalso immediately changed his face and expressed his approval of the teambuilding plan.

Being able to go on an island vacation with his idol is acomplete life!

Yu Hao rolled his eyes, island? Those guys in the operationsdepartment can really think of it, I'm afraid they want to go on vacationthemselves...

Team Yu is really in the same language.

That is, Ji Xiuyan, the guy with deep pockets, is willing tospend so much money to let the entire club travel at public expense.

However, the words of the island.... He glanced at Jiang Min,who was standing next to him.

It's not a bad idea to go on vacation with Sugar Candy.

Okay, this is a team building that all must participate in,whether you have any comments or not, pack your bags, we will leave in twodays. After informing the players, Emperor Fan left the training room.

As soon as Boss Ji's approval came, the operation departmentwas actively preparing for chartering flights and booking accommodationprojects.

Boss Ji holds a lot of shares in a large airline, so JWbooked a charter flight through the special approval channel, which was veryfast.

The speed at which the operation department made otherarrangements was called a fast one, and the process was pleasant, even happierthan their usual gossip about each station.

In less than a day, the operation department completed allthe preliminary preparations, and drew lots to determine the personnel whowould go to Island H first.

The winner of the lottery was as excited as winning thelottery, and finally could go out and play with the club's card in the open! Asa JW person, there is one more thing to show off!

The team members are not as excited as the people in theoperation department, and for Internet addicts, computers are more attractive.

After Emperor Fan left, everyone returned to their respectivepositions, playing games and games, and broadcasting live.

Although Jiang Min promised Manager Shen that he wouldbroadcast more live in the future, the club has not yet confirmed the premieretime with the JJ live broadcast platform, so he still has no pressure on thelive broadcast time in the past few days.

Now that his identity has been revealed, there is no need forhim to deliberately avoid the usual large number of friends in the fish pond toavoid the concerns and inquiries of the fish, after all, it is very troublesometo reply one by one.

The number hadn't been on for several days, and Jiang Mindecided to board it to take a look.

As soon as the ID of the old driver in the middle road waslogged in, it attracted the attention of many professional players.

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