Chapter 66: Operate self-interested cameras

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JW's operations department has always been vigorous andresolute.

Before the final game of the regular season of the SpringSeason, the showdown between JW and AFK, the Operations Department beganrecording the new program.

With the increasing formalization of esports leagues, inaddition to further regulating club operations, the value of creating starplayers is becoming more and more prominent.

Jiang Min, as a mid-laner introduced by JW this season, is aplayer with a high degree of topic and popularity, even if there are no rumorsof discord within the team, the operation department plans to choose him to bethe protagonist of the first episode of the new show.

Thus, the recording of the new program "OperationPrivate Camera" began.

This small show shows the daily life of the JW team membersto the audience and fans, and the main purpose is to follow the daily life ofthe team members.

The day of e-sports naturally starts at noon, and when theofficial blogger Ah Xin led Xiao Li, the operation department of the temporarypart-time photographer, to the dormitory, Jiang Min had just gotten up.

Before his newly awakened mind could react to the camera hewas shooting at the door.

This is...?

Ah Xin said very happily: It's the new show I said before,Sugar God! Operation of selfish cameras!

Jiang Min was stunned: What, what camera?

Selfish camera! Ah Xin emphasized again.

Jiang Min was speechless.

Who took the name of such a sand sculpture....

As a result, before Jiang Min could complain, Ah Xin firstrevealed himself: How is it, Sugar God? I wonder if this topic is superb! cannot only highlight the characteristics of the show but also narrow the distancewith fans, is it quite genius for me to choose a name?

Jiang Min was so embarrassed that he had to echo: uh, um,um... It's not bad...

Ah, by the way, Sugar God, where did Team Yu go? I haven'tseen him since the beginning, and he's not in the room... Ah Xin said thatbecause this episode of the program is the premiere of the program, it is alittle more special. Originally, this show was to follow the daily life of ateam member, but this episode is to shoot you and Team Yu~ Anyway, the two ofyou are together almost every day, so it's natural to shoot it.

Jiang Min sighed slightly.

In these years, being a professional player not only has toplay games, but also cooperate with the club's business, which is reallytiring.

However, he also understands that he is not alone in thewhole league.

Slightly more famous clubs, such as OVO, GEM, and even AFK,which has little financial resources, all have various promotional programsproduced by the club.

Star players like Cen Yu and Shu Lou were forced to opentheir businesses after three days.

JW started the operation relatively late. Okay, Sugar God,you can set an example for the other team members~ You don't need to dobusiness, just live your usual life, and we will edit out the highlights in thelater stage after filming. Ah Xin saw that Jiang Min was not very reluctant,and persuaded him.

Yes... Bar... It would always be uncomfortable to have acamera to follow, and Jiang Min could only try his best to behave naturally.

So, where is Team Yu? After all, the first issue was recordedby the two of you together, so let's go find him. Ah Xin said.

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