Chapter 54: Spring Season Opener (2)

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The opening ceremony of the WPL Spring Tournament hasofficially begun.

This time, several well-known DJs were invited to liven upthe atmosphere on the stage.

Because it is a domestic competition, the schedule is alsorelatively tight, and the opening ceremony is relatively simple compared tointernational large-scale events.

It's nothing more than the twelve teams of the first divisionpulling out and making an appearance.

However, the audience is still looking forward to the rarescene of twelve teams brushing the catwalk.

Therefore, even though many players complained that comingall the way to the venue to participate in the opening ceremony may be a lapand the end of it, which is quite a toss-up, the official still did not cancelthis event.

The official invited DJs are popular DJs who are active inmajor music programs and platforms.

The DJ remixed the official music from the WOC over the yearsand turned it into a burning and dynamic background sound.

The three commentators are also in place.

As the commentators of the opening ceremony and openingmatch, these three not only had to explain the game, but also needed to livenup the atmosphere of the live broadcast during the team catwalk.

Okay, audience friends, the music is on, and our openingceremony is about to begin. Uncle Yuan said.

Ruby: Traditionally, each team will play in order of theprevious season's standings~

Lack: The fans are starting to get agitated, and it lookslike everyone is looking forward to the start of the new season after anoffseason.

Uncle Yuan: Speaking of which, this officially arrangedcatwalk session won't be an opportunity to give each team a wave ofadvertising, right?

Ruby pretends not to know: What kind of advertisement, UncleYuan?

It's a team uniform advertisement! As we all know, the saleof team merchandise is a lot of income for each team.

Lack: Hahahaha, Uncle Yuan's guess may be very accurate!

The commentators continued to tease.

At this time, the music turned, and it was the turn of thefirst team to play.

The host said in a deep voice from the audience: Next, let'sinvite all teams to appear this season!

Please, BBG!

The BBG five appeared in the center of the stage in theuniforms of the new season, and then awkwardly tested each other before barelywalking to the front of the stage neatly.

Several people seemed to be a little uncomfortable in frontof the spotlight and the audience after an offseason, their eyes dodging, andthey were ready to go to their predetermined positions with a quick bow.

On the four stages of the Storm E-sports Stadium, the teamflags of each team are placed in all directions.

BBG's No. 5 position went to the left without even thinkingabout it.

Eh, over here, over here! Captain BBG covers his face.

They have obviously rehearsed, why doesn't this kid have along memory!

So, the little assistant turned around in a panic and kept upwith his own team in small steps.

The barrage in the official live broadcast room is verylively.

[hhhh, is the firstteam to play start to get confused? 】

[BBG has a good start! I don't know what kind of performancethe team behind will be]

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