Chapter 11: I did it by virtue of my ability

21 0 0

0:1, game over.

Jiang Min: .........

The barrage was full of ridicule.

[Hahaha, silly candy hahahaha]

[01 Battle hahaha,the sugar god doesn't know this classic routine game! ] 】

[Sugar God is afraid that the longest road he has walked inthis life is the routine of Xiaoyu, hahaha]

After the sky-high transfer revelations swiped the screen,the water army sunspots that appeared in Jiang Min's live broadcast room seemedto disappear suddenly.

The barrage is back to its usual appearance.

I won, Sugar Candy. Yu Hao said in his voice.

....... Jiang Min, who has been tricked, is sure that therewill be various video clips in this issue.

Since I met Xiaoyu, I don't know how many video hosts theyhave fed in their double rows.

Still, I'll tell you what you ask. Yu Hao changed his words,but as a reward for the winner of the game, you have to agree to anotherrequest from me.

Jiang Min was helpless: Please, it's all 0 and 1, it's notthat you take advantage of me? And what about rewards?

That's natural, 0 and 1 are the results of the game, why can'tI be a 1 based on my ability?

Jiang Min felt that if he continued like this, he would notbe able to continue talking.

is still a 1 by ability, so according to this, is he 0 byability?

Yu Hao, this kid is really, his skin is thicker than the cornerof the city wall, and he makes jokes.

Gotta turn the page on this.

Yes.... Right, I promise you, say, what is the request? JiangMin compromised.

Not..... I haven't thought about it for the time being, soI'll tell you when I think about it.

..... Yes, you can, no problem.

Yu Hao smiled at the screen, typed quickly with his mobilephone, and sent a message to Jiang Min.

Ji Xiuyan looked at his cousin staring at the computer screenstupidly, the corners of his mouth raised, and he didn't bother to complain.

What about the yield?

The sugar god has not officially come to JW, and he is happyto be this stupid melon, and if someone really moves, Yu Hao, this kid can't goto the sky in situ?

Look at this idiot-like appearance, I really can't bear tolook at it directly.

But sometimes I really envy this kid's straightforwardcharacter, if he had half his straightforwardness, he wouldn't have guarded thecabbage for so long without trying to arch it.

..... Before I knew it, I really thought of myself as a pig.

Ji Xiuyan laughed at himself.

CC Club.

Xiang Mian also ignored the obstruction of others anddirectly broke into Lin Hong's office.

to the manager. Lin Hong sat on the boss's chair and turnedthe chair with an indifferent expression, as if he knew that Xiang Mian wouldcome.

Mr. Lin, to the manager he..... Lin Hong arranged thesecretary at the door and whispered for a rare time.

Lin Hong's temper is capricious, and he will cut her if he isdisturbed.

It's okay, you go out first, I have something to talk aboutwith Manager Xiang. Lin Hong commanded.

The secretary immediately exited the office.

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