Chapter 17: This is our new mid-list

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The two members of the OVO team also recognized Yu Hao's ID.

Yu Hao did not use the trumpet when he and Jiang Min were ina double row, but the big number that he had just changed his ID to open theblack I No. 4 thief wave.

After all, it is a high-end game, in order to confirm whethera teammate is a pit and see what level the opponent is, many people are alittle Xi of entering the homepage of teammates and opponents to check thesituation of the other party, and Cen Yu is no exception.

As soon as he saw the familiar avatar and record, Cen Yu knewthat this was JW captain Yu Hao, who had also encountered many times in therankings before.

And Jiang Min's ID is open black, my No. 2 thief is stable,this is his unknown tuba.

It can be seen from this ID that these two people aretogether.

In addition, the teammate's information page showed that thetwo were in the team, and Cen Yu was even more sure that the two were in adouble row.

Yushen frowned: Is this black, who is my No. 2 thief? I'venever seen Yu Hao and him lined up before?

OVO has not only fought with CC many times, but also foughtwith JW several times as a veteran team, both in the No. 4 position, and Yushenis still very sure of the awareness and operation of JW's young captain, andthe two are also friends who often communicate in private.

OVO1 Ren Yaobing, whose professional ID is Ice, is as hisname suggests, he is a cold person from the inside out, and he cherishes wordslike gold.

I don't know. Ice wasn't interested in how his opponent wasat all, and when he was in ranking, he just had to rehearse and cooperate withtheir captain in two rehearsals, and he just rushed to score points by the way.

Yushen took advantage of the BAN selection link, clicked intothe open black I No. 2 thief stable homepage browsed, and involuntarilywhistled: Hey, this guy's record is very beautiful~ Look at the ranked heroshould be a mid-laner.

This is all green winning words, only mixed with a few redlosing words, which can be said to be a very enviable record.

Ice was indifferent, just thinking about what kind of heroshe was holding.

Ranked 28th, quite high.... Could it be whose vest? But Idon't think there seems to be a person with this name in the league with a gameID.... The jade god became interested in this unfamiliar ID, touching his chinand thinking in his head.

Yushen is very popular in the WPL league and has a wide rangeof friends, except for Jiang Min, who is usually cold and difficult to hook up,he is very familiar with many professional players.

I've been in line. Ice said suddenly.

The jade god was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked:Huh? Are you sure? Do you know whose vest it is? Or is it a newcomer?

When they reach this stage, it is easy to collide with eachother, and it is the norm to meet professional players in the ranks, and theyoften get familiar IDs.

Players who are likely to be opponents will be teammates inthis round.

There are few high-end bureaus, and it is not uncommon tomeet often in ranked matching.

Ice stared at the screen with a blank face, and didn't turnher head: I don't know, I had been in line a few times in the middle of thenight, and I hadn't communicated much.

Jade God knows how hard he is working in the No. 1 position,and it is important to maintain the rhythm of brushing money and the feel ofthe knife as the No. 1 position, so Ice often ranks and practices Xi late intothe night.

Of course, the results of professional players are notobtained in a vacuum, but are obtained through hard training day and night.

Even if a talented player is neglected in training, it isdifficult to stand out and make a difference.

Ooh? Is it an immortal cultivator? Yushen listened to Ice'swords and was full of interest, if this person is not an active professionalplayer in the league, and he is in a double row with Yu Hao, it means that itis very likely that JW introduced the new mid-laner after Xiao Nan'sretirement, as a senior in the league, he has to welcome it well.

[Which god's vest is on the opposite side? ] Takami typing onthe public screen.

Tamagami decided to test it out and inquire whether JW's newmidlaner was a transfer player or an outright newcomer.

On the opposite side No. 1 and No. 4 are the people of theOVO team, and the one who typed is the jade god. Yu Hao reminded Jiang Min.


Jiang Min onlyreplied to one [ on the public screen. 】。

He and the Jade God had only chatted a few words about the relationshipin the ranking, and they were not familiar with each other.

And JW manager Shen Qi is determined to win the championshipof the breath-holding competition in this transfer period, so JW has notreleased the news of Jiang Min's transfer to join JW.

Shen Qi himself also asked Jiang Min and the team members notto leak their mouths, and to let him experience the feeling of being thechampion of the breath-holding competition.

Yu Hao is very disgusted by this, an inexplicablecompetition, no trophy and no bonus, I really don't know what Shen Qi is keenon.

However, out of kindness to meet the wishes of his family, YuHao still agreed to the manager's request.

As a result, everyone in JW, including Jiang Min himself, isready to abide by the agreement and never expose Jiang Min's transfer beforeJW's official announcement.

[Is it someone I know?] The curiosity of the jade god is veryheavy.

Yu Hao replied: [Our family's new mid-laner, Yushen'ssubordinates are merciful].

Yu Hao is polite, in fact, there is also the meaning ofshowing off.

He hasn't seen much of the mid-laner who can beat Jiang Minin the WOC national server, and the mid-laner on the opposite side hasconfirmed the ID, just a passer-by, and his record is average, how can he beathis sugar.

And since it is a double row with Tangtang, it must be themiddle lane of death, and it will not let the No. 4 jade god on the oppositeside have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

[Oh? New mid-laner?The Jade God's curiosity is even heavier, [I haven't seen this ID, is it anewcomer? 】

[Guess :)] Yu Hao made an expression.

Cen Yu is known as the sea king of the alliance, ruling thesea that is much more exaggerated than Jiang Min's fish pond, showing mercyeverywhere, liking to call other players dear, and calling himself a scumbag.

The fish pond that Jiang Minna built with his formerteammates and his former teammates' friends was really nothing compared to thesea of the Jade God.

And now, even he, the Sea King, doesn't know who is behind myNo. 2 thief, it's probably a newcomer.

[Your small middle single is quite cold. It's okay, I'llabuse him to the point where I open my mouth to scold] Yushen has the intentionof teasing JW's new mid-dan.

In a friendly and welcoming attitude, he wants to say to JW'snew Zhongshan with practical actions: Welcome to WPL!

Hahahaha, Sugar Candy, the Jade God said he was going toabuse you! Yu Hao laughed so much that tears were about to come out.

As we all know, the sugar god is the most difficult midlanerto catch, and he can't catch it when he plays, and it's even harder to catchthe ranking without the cooperation of other teammates.

Yu Hao is waiting to see the jade god recognize it.

Then let him try. Jiang Min moved his fingers and entered thegame.

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